Interested in 219C.

Thanks Freeme!

Indicate your LED choice (XPG3 / 219C) in you reply if possible.

Edit your previous post instead of creating a new request.


Notification List

Updated on Sep 19, 2017

      1. andrewmac
      2. danggitbai
      3. Kingjohn
      4. cheesecheeks
      5. Sergeantrecrut
      6. cyropro
      7. heatwaves
      8. Lou_Menn
      9. Robsva96 - XPG3
      10. Dralf
      11. Nicolicous
      12. Phantom1
      13. ramptosd
      14. laythaws
      15. BeardedRaleigh - 219C
      16. Sukoi
      17. Wieselflinkpro - XPG3
      18. gastonpatagonico -219C
      19. sammubara
      20. qandeel - 219C
      21. Ilmatic - 219C
      22. tantrik77 - 219C
      23. watamu - 219C
      24. rafalklis - 219C
      25. CJ Avlis - 219C
      26. jamaya - 219C

Interested in 219C

Nichia 219C please.

Thank You!

Interested in (1) 219c


Here are some beamshots
MT03 has a wider beam M01 is more “focus”. But they are flooders both.
I get same output for MT03 modded and MF01.



interested in the 219c

Received mine today (with Nichias).
Very well made and BRIGHT (almost painfully so indoors).
I think BangGood/Astrolux/Mateminco, this time, might have a winner on their hands. :+1:

Yeah after the disaster with the S42 they made the right choices handing out the prototypes to BLF members after their specialistes checked them

So more feedback went into the Astrolux light that definately makes is superior to the original light from Metamineco

Still with chineese flashlights there will be QC issues on some lights that come after used for some time, drivers tend to last long or fail after a short amount of time

Does anyone know where I can obtain a decent holster for my MF-01?

Thanks for all the positive feedback! I will convey your message to Banggood as well. Perhaps it is also a good time to start planning on MF-01v2!

This is a much more accurate color reproduction for MF-01. Nice job mizou51.

Please, tell us more.

With 3 different bins of the 219C - 4000K, 4500K and 5000K all with the highest CRI available.
I would buy that thing again :stuck_out_tongue:
I would like a bit more heatsinking on that - the light is small enough, make it 10mm longer and add a bigger heatsink to it.
Also maybe an onboard charger and USB-Out like the JKK36? SInce this light has both poles on every side, that shouldn’t be a big problem

I am REALLY glad that they decided to add a 5th mode vs the original 4. I would still like maybe another mode(and access to moonlight from off) so there’s a mode that’s right around where the light thermal throttles to and the rest could be adjusted accordingly to be evenly spaced. From what I’ve read the MF01 is more thermally cautious compared to other lights in it’s category and it could possibly maintain something closer to 3,000 lumens without burning the user, but I’m not the one doing the testing and perhaps they had their reasons. I expected the 219C version to run hotter but not be as bright, instead it runs a bit cooler. I’m thinking of doing some spring bypasses, but it gains less than an amp draw at turbo and that’s a lot of springs to bypass… The way they handled this light was good though I’m very appreciative they took Lexel’s criticisms which made the final product much better. That kind of thing really sets a product away from the rest and can nip most problems in the bud.

That being said I’ve already dropped a good amount of cash on lights as of late. I’m gonna have to withhold from buying into a round 2. If things look promising I may gift my current MF01 to hop on the new bandwagon.

well thanks you Freeme ! all the good GB you deal for everybody here !
Quite bad for my bank account :wink: but good for my collection (S42, TIP, MF01, concept1, L6, DN70, SC02, SC01, MT07S)

M01 has a very good tint remind me my S41 nichia version. It also output a lot of lumens (same as my MT03 but with driver mod) and in a small form factor compared to my MT03.

I think this MF01 is a very good product for the price and i’m very exicted about MF02. I like the way chinese manufacturer send protos and modify lights to get the best for custumers ! Very good changes from chineses brands.

We all want the next protos :wink:

I'm in for two 219C :)
Thank you, Freeme!

One thing is disapointiong with this light. I think the nichia has much less output as claimed and the XP-G3 is very near to the claims.
Is there somthing special in the firmware or the Hardware of the driver between this versions?
I got only around 7600 Lumens with my nichia, others report similar things.
TomE reported 12000 Lumens of his XP-G3.

I would also love to know the answer to this. Especially given that Astrolux claims they tested with an Integrating Sphere:

How can we know whether it’s not a sample to sample variation?