These are not in turbo correct? And that Nichia looks good! Wish you have a XP-G3 to compare

Are GB battery original or genuine? Because that price is real deal

I did not test them but it can power up my X80 at 25K lumen :sunglasses:

Very good pictures, thanks you maukka. You make me considering to buy another one :person_facepalming:

Sure they are. All lights on their maximum output.

When I hear “nuetral” I think yellowish white. I think I’ll get that 80+ cri from Mountain and see if I like it.

Still no shipping to Sweden. :frowning:

That’s the best you can do to decide Jason !

interested in one with 219C

Now i’m Interested in 219C too. Please put me down for 1

Sime might consider the MF01 floody, but check out the X80.

It’s a learning experience as well; it’s a win win situation Jason. :+1: :beer:

The daymaker without any hotspot. Insane!

Nice and helpful beamshots. Thanks!

Actually the tir optics makes one big spot and virtually no spill. A Q8 is more floody with spill but tighter hot spot. Those shallow reflectors in the X80 makes a wide spill area as well.

Put me on the list for a high CRI 219C.

I really want that X80 but I can’t justify myself spending near $300 on 1 flashlight lol.

This is how I justify getting my X80.

Formula is :
If X80 - MF01 - MF02 = Heavily Discounted X80 = Justifiable To Buy

:+1: :beer:

If the Acebeam were available with neutral high CRI emitters, I’d probably get one too. Unfortunately it’s low CRI at 6500K.

Please put me on the list for a high CRI 219C

Please remove me from the list
Bought second Q8, instead of this with poor UI.