The power draw from this light is a lot less than the MF01. Probably less than 4 amps per cell compared to 8 amps per cell on the MF01. Still, I would get similar cells to the MF01. Like 30Q or VTC6’s, good ones like that.

If you don’t mind removing the reverse polarity protection rings, then you can run flat tops. If you keep the rings, you can add solder blobs to the flat tops or buy button tops.

Some people reported they can just squeeze in protected cells if they are the shorter ones at 69mm. Some protected cells are 70mm and might not fit. So your better off with a matched set of unprotected.

You say your well informed on the going prices of lights, yet your not well informed on this particular thead. I didn’t create that list, it was posted several times earlier in this very thread. Don’t you remember seeing it?

You joined here in 2012 and yet you haven’t learned that pre-production, group buy light prices change as they get closer to production? It is quite normal for a target price to be set early, then after several months as the lights get closer to release the manufacturer may realize he’s not going to met the target price so he has to raise it a little. This is all quite normal. There’s no sense getting mad at them or mad at me. You just have to expect these things.

It’s great when the prices don’t rise, like with the Q8. They targeted $40 shipped a year ago and we’re able to deliver at that price. That’s more the exception than the rule, though.

We were told the group buy price of the MF01 would go up after the BG anniversary, yet it stayed low for an extra 2 weeks after that. That’s a good thing.

Frankly, a light with these specs and the quality seen in the MF01 would be a bargain at $100. No joke. I don’t know why you can’t see that.

If the MF02 sold for $70, that is $50 cheaper than the next competitor. That’s huge. Now that it might only be $40 cheaper, you get mad? I’m just confused by that.

I’m not asking for an explanation. I’m just saying it doesn’t make sense to me, that’s all.

For anyone with a weekly wage of $80, they are spending their money on essential stuff like food, not toys. No one should be “taking out a bank loan” to buy a toy. People have to learn to spend money responsibly or else they go broke.

Now if it were mandatory by law everyone were forced to buy this light and they went from $70 to $80, then I could see people getting mad. The reality is that it’s a toy we can choose to buy or not to buy. Correct?

Yes, it is a toy. But raising the price will move it out of reach of some people who waited impatiently to get it in their hands.
It happens. But these people will be unhappy and they have every right to be. They already made the choice of buying the light and now have to reverse it.

Everyone buying for a higher price will have to make cuts in some aspects of their lives in order to cover the price difference. For some the difference will be small enough that they won’t notice. For others it will be noticeable but small. For some it will be big. For some it will be too big (even if within reach).
IMO everyone who is disappointed is right about it, regardless on where on the income curve they are. It’s more obvious with the poorest, but the mechanism is the same and I don’t see why would one deny others the right to feel bad.
And everyone who is not disappointed is right too. If it’s not a problem or is a problem which you prepared for - that’s OK.

I’m interested in one - thanks!

I’m interested in one!



I’m interested in cw.

Are LG HG2, 3000 mAh, 20 A batteries usable as well like the Samsung Q30? Both are 20 A.

Yes. You still have to pay attention that the positive post makes good contact, though. So either button tops or solder blobs or use flat tops and remove the plastic polarity protection rings.

Could I use magnets for flat top? 5 x 1 mm (dia. x depth). I had used them with the NCR protected Panasonic on flat top for the Thrunite TN32 UT.

Maybe? 1mm is not very tall. I think some people mentioned their button tops weren’t tall enough so they removed the plastic rings.

I recently bought some 30q button tops from Banggood and the picture showed this type of button.

What I recieved was a raised flat top.

I don’t even think these will work in the MF02.

i am using HG2 on my MF01. The battery carrier is supposed to be the same i think.

Not mad at all, the price was given a week or so ago, not months ago.

The price is irrelevant, if it went from $5 to $6 I would still say, we were told a price, stick to the deal.

As for prices going up after they were set, which light was that?

Yes. How are you getting the positive ends to touch?

Basically i didn’t do anything.
As you may know the plastic ring has raised edge for battery reverse polarity protection this fits flush into the battery positive recces and it allows the battery positive to make proper contact since the battery carrier’s positive contact sits slightly higher then the surrounding plastic but not as high as the outer raised edge. I didn’t think HG2 would work either, but it seems to be made this way on purpose. I hope this make sense.


Okay, I was thinking all the hg2 cells were flat top, but I see you have raised flat tops. I’m glad to see they’re making good contact.

i bought from 2 sources and both HG2 has raised flat top. Never tried standard 30Q on it, as my 30Q are all soldered blob.

this is where i bought mine which i am currently using on my MF01.

Interested depending of the GBprice

Interested depending of the price