I received the Haikelite MT03II XHP70.2 4days ago and as soon as I turned on the light in turbo, 2 of the 3 emitters was blinking on and off. I contacted Haikelite and Banggood right away and today has been 3 days but still no solution. Both Haikelite and Banggood asked me to wait and was telling me that it may be driver problem ans asked me if I can change the driver myself. I told them that I could not because I have no knowledge. Since then I have been waiting for solution but nobody seem to reply to my E-Mail anymore. I think the after sale service is very bad and if they don’t give me a satisfactory solution, I will not buy any Haikelite anymore and will tell this story to the flashlight world.
Here is the video clip of the problem.
If they pay for the shipping plus full refund, I will be glad to do it. They can also give the store credit instead of the refund so I can buy another flashlight. I am waiting for their answer.
Just received my MT03, put in some freshly charged 30Q’s and…………………………….disco party with mine too! what a bummer, this is not a cheap light even after the discount code, guess ill start my conversation with banggood.