Interested depend on price
Interested depend on price
Interested depend on price
Interested depend on price
Interested depend on price
Interested ! Looks like M202 FLASH (rocket launcher used by Schwarzenegger in Commando)
Interested depending upon price
Interested depending on price but probably to rich for my blood still.
buy 4 of these and rubber band them together.
Interested depend on price.
I wonder if they tested whether people like holding a square flashlight?
The sealed up batteries is another strange decision.
It is odd for sure.
The UI and built in charging seem cool.
Yea I really wish it didn’t have sealed up batteries, but I kinda like the shape of this because it’s gotta be the most compact 4x18650 in existence, even smaller than the M43 and also I have so many round flashlights already. The square shape is also anti roll so you can lay it which ever way you want. 6,500 lumens with decent throw and good flood will make this pretty practical for a work light if it can fit comfortably in my pocket.