Eneloop AA White vs Blue?

I was about to order more AA eneloops off ebay. I had not seen the blue ones, and wonder what is the difference between the blue and the white ones?

a lot of fake ones out there

I wouldn't buy them from ebay. I'd stick to reputable vendors like Amazon, Costco, Thomas Distributing.

Costco sells a 10pk AA with (2) free, frost colored plastic storage cases that hold 4 batteries each. The color of the batteries (5) baby blue and (5) royal blue.

Got these from Costco for $15.98 about a month ago. They're definitely real. That doesn't mean the ones you were looking at on ebay are. Be careful..

Notice how the 2 standing have vents on the positive end? Those are older. I got them about a year ago, maybe longer. The new version has vents, but they're not visible. See pictures

Older with visible vents

Newer without visible vents

I’ve purchased Eneloops at Costco on a few occasions, and ended up with some white cells along with the two blue colors. No difference in the cells.

I have purchased eneloop batteries, among other items, off ebay for a lot of years without problems. The last ones I purchased were from a seller, bargainbuckets2012, who has a 100% satisfaction rate. Also I have purchased them from 1111deals.
I do appreciate the cautions, but I must say that I have not had any problems except for an AV and then got a refund.

I did not know why the different color of batteries.

BTW are Marsfire batteries made by Sanyo? I think I will pick up a few 14500s.

Thanks for the inputs.

Bargainbuckets2012 has been on eBay since December 6, 2012. Wonder what happened to Bargainbuckets 2011?