***** They seem to have put them back online again... not sure if it was something against Panasonic/Eneloop or that more brands just disappeared from Amazon... at least now they are back again!!!*********
What's wrong with Amazon.com?
I received an email from a reader (Ray) that the links on eneloop101.com to Amazon don't work anymore, and he was right! Almost all eneloops are gone from Amazon.com. https://eneloop101.com/where-to-buy/
I changed some of the links already.. but this is rather strange. It seems that the ones that Amazon sold themselves have disappeared.
I'm curious what happened. What do you guys think?
I have my own theory though.. if anyone is interested.
A few months ago I noticed some limited Amazon eneloops on Amazon.co.jp (Japan). I don't know if they are photoshopped or if the regular eneloops really have black letters instead of blue. The listing shows that they are Amazon.co.jp limited editions...
I would have to agree with your assessment. Amazon has been losing it lately. Not only with strong arming sellers but, changing over delivery services to their own “Amazon Logistics” delivery system. Out of my last 10 orders I have only received half of them. I get refunded of course but, I have to call and go through the whole hour long process to accomplish that. Even the people who run the logistics end can’t explain why. The other half I did receive were far later than their original guaranteed by date.
I will probably drop Prime all together and get most of what I need at other places. Even if I have to pay a few dollars more. It’s a shame, I use to be a Amazon fan and would recommend them to anyone. Not anymore. They are worse than a fart in a space suit. So it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if that is exactly what they are doing ChibiM.
I ordered from Horizon battery as well (with one of my giveaways) when I couldn't use Amazon.com. They are selling the real deal looks like, except the don't stock the American version but the EU version (BK 3MCCE instead of BK 3MCCA) for whatever its worth :D
I see them at my San Francisco Costco fairly often. But for me they’re not a great deal since they package the AA’s with AAA’s, C/D adapters and a charger which I don’t need or want.