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Remember that these AMAZING BATTERIES (while they last) are being passed on to BLF Members for equally AMAZING PRICES - $10.99 and $9.31 respectively!Please note that this is an Introductory Special in honor of the Members of the GREATEST FORUM ON THE INTERNET!
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This really should be in the commercial sellers spot forum KumaBear. And all the bolding, capitalization and colours set off alarm bells that have been calibrated in response to years of exposure to dodgy internet sales schemes that employ the same technique.
I know you’re not dodgy, and I know these are good batteries, and your prices seem pretty good. But maybe you could turn the volume down just a bit?
I like the style of kumabear posts, very easy to read and enthusiastic, i kind of trust he will deliver said batteries at said price so don’t mind the spam style which actually seems appropriate for once.
It’s not the style, it’s the multi posting of the same advert in every category. If everyone wanted to make sure their post was noticed and entered twenty of the same thing in every category the forums would be in ruins.
As Foy might say, KumBearCanBecomeOverExcitedAndLoseHimselfInTheMoment
Hi Folks!
Did you ever get so excited that you wanted to scream from the rooftops – like when you got into Harvard or landed your “dream-job” or maybe that girl you were dreaming about actually agreed to go out with you?
Well, that’s what happened.In retrospect, the multiple posting was a significant mistake and I will not repeat that particular shenanigan.Not that it’s an adequate defense, but I was pretty tired at the time and didn’t even post where I had intended to – so I blithely went ahead and posted again.
About the multiple colors, I’m not certain that’s particularly offensive – but it could certainly be debated.I really was/am excited about the fact that this battery thing is working out and I saw the multiple colors as a way to express my glee, not to mention attract a little attention.Also, truth be told, I did some lengthy stints on the “bay” in the past (with 100% positive feedback, by the way) and that type of post tends to work well there.I’ll be the first to admit that the BLF is a very different venue and a few colors for the typefaces may be OK once in a while but not as a steady diet here.
There is one thing I’d like to defend – and that is the strict devotion to actual facts.Spam may be an appropriate adjective in this case – but not because the information is wrong or because it has no use.I firmly believe that this battery venture will be of great service to BLF members (and maybe some others) – and, by the way, I‘m happy for all of us.I have put a whole lot of effort into this and it’s actually coming together as planned.That’s a good thing!
Thanks for the post and you have nothing to worry about. My suggestion would be to stop creating multiple new posts, however. If this becomes a regular business (I hope so and good luck with that) you will be better served having one post so people know where to go. You can update the OP as needed to reflect price and selection changes, but keeping it in one post will avoid a lot of user confusion and possible multiple listings for the same item.
There's a lot to be said for accurate information, and even more welcome is quality merch at reasonable prices from a trusted vendor. But hyperbole is not the norm on the BLF so we're not used to it, and it can be a little off-putting. I hope your new venture goes well and that we all reap the benefits.