Eve 21700 40PL 70 Amp cell

I join mooches patreon. $2 a month.

Hope I don’t get in trouble for listing some of the information.

Preliminary test on September 4th he estimated 45A to 50A CDR.

On September 18th, Part 3 testing.

After 100 to 150 abusive Cycles there was no sign of the cell reaching its end life.

4% runtime loss after 150 cycles.He liked this.

He said data sheet guarantees 400 Cycles at 40 amp.

CDR results have remained the same since preliminary report.

He said final results will be done this weekend.

Another tester had disappointing abusive cycle life test results.

I won’t be doing this for each battery that comes out that’s only on the patreon. This is One and done.

1 Thank