I found my Klarus PA1 the other day after looking for it for 6 months. I was sure it was gone. I found it in a flannel shirt pocket that I very rarely wear. It’s my jacket for working on cars basically. I had to fix a tire on my truck and went to get my flannel that I keep just to keep dirt and grime off my other clothes. In the side pocket I found my beloved PA-1!
You guys ever find something that you were sure was gone for good? It’s like Xmas.
I found my old incan min mag for after a year or two without it. Crammed in some jam in the door and without a lens, cracked bulb as well it seems no worse for the wear.
Slapped in the spare and it still runs with thin piece of plastic to make up for the lens, I only use it as a house light anyways ;). Best thing I found was $60 that I must have left in an old spot, I opened it up just for cleaning and found a bunch of cash! Wonder how that happened :bigsmile:.
I thought I had lost my UF 502b for good about a year back until I very recently rediscovered it stuffed in an old boot in our coat closet. The battery still had a decent amount of charge left too, which was neat considering how long it had been sitting there.
Sadly, NO for me. I lost my first SK68 a long time ago when I went out for pizza, and hasn’t found it since. Recently I lost SF L2 with the Manafont drop-in, and a heavily modded UF2100 (my EDC).
Darn, I must have turned the whole house upside down looking foor these two but no luck.
I lost my first real LED flashlight in a car wreck. Somewhere out in the woods is my beloved XL50. Or more likely, it was still in the car and the tow-truck guy snatched it up :party: . Jerk. I’m still trying to fill that gaping hole with new, shinier lights.
I always seem to find my smaller lights in my fiancee’s purse :zipper_mouth_face: She loves the R5-A3 with the pink bezel and the “blue” Xeno that’s really purple.
I found my beloved ballpoint pen today after several years missing, I was searching for a pencil this morning, didn’t found one but the pen instead.
The ink cartridge leaked, but so what……
I thought I lost my Klarus P2A (that part of the family), and even went to the Koban (police box) to report it as Lost.
I really thought it had fallen out of my pocket while riding my bike. And because Japanese people are usually pretty honest and fair, they might had brought it to the police box, just like I`ve done with some wallets and phone.
A few weeks/months later I found it in my daughters bag……
Not a light but i found a pair of scissors worth over $100 about a year and a half later in a specific spot of a Windsor chair, after a cordless phone fell into the same spot and someone called me
Thought I lost my Jetbeam BC25. Turns out one of my friends borrowed it, and forgot to tell me. Gave it back to me when I saw him again month and a half later, much to my pleasant surprise.
while driving back from calgury to vancouver ,stoped to have some fun on deep mountainside snow. lost my p20a2 ! 5 months later came backa when the snow had melted and found it !! and guess what it worked ,the eneloops inside were fine. no moisture .i still edc this light!
I bought a Fenix E05 to permanently carry on my motorcycling jacket while riding in case of breakdown at night. Next summer I couldn’t find it anywhere, thought I had lost it during the winter.
Bought another E05 to replace the lost one. Then I realised I had removed inner fleece thermal layer from jacket and put it in the shelf. Also realised the layer had a pocket which I did’t remember and it contained the missing E05. I like that little light very much so no harm done having two of those.
Currently thinking about replacing it’s regular AAA’s with Lithium primaries for better standby duration.
I found my Maratac Copper AAA today that had gone walkabout for the last couple of months… it was in a shoe. Previously my Quark Mini 123 S2 Edition took a 6 month vacation in a pair of ski pants.