You really think you can simply out gun the government? You’re deluded.
It’s aweful funny that you’ll blame government for killing ancestors, but the very same attitude says it’s not guns that kill people, it’s people that kill people. So by that form of circular logic, government didn’t kill your ancestors, people killed your ancestors. Very bad people, very violent people with no regard for human life. People who perhaps shouldn’t have the ability to take another’s life so easily. So don’t blame the government when it accosts you with violence when the government as elected represents the people. Violent people, violent tendencies, violent government.
You want to give the example that the only way to survive is to be one big strong more armed nation, what next? That kind of attitude is fascist and short sighted, same type that lead to WWII to begin with. Do you really think if the Jews simply had more guns they’d win against the entirety of the German government? No they’d be wiped out with even more haste. That’s pretty much the attitude the “we need bigger guns to defend ourselves from ‘the other’ ” Look at Israel right now, you really think with all they’re weapons they’re at peace with their neighbors? Do you think all Palestine needs to secure itself is more guns to fight Israel? Please tell me your solution, if it involves more and bigger guns I’ll laugh because that’s what Israel’s been doing and besides the US they’ve pretty much lost all validity in the rest of the world’s countries opinions and by opinion polls in this country almost half of this country could care less about Israel. Remember the world is more than just the US and everyone else. Palestine wised up and besides a few religious nuts realized the way to validity and peace is to plead their case to the world that what they want is peace not guns.
I’m not talking appeasement or claiming a “whoa is me” victimhood, which was the wrong policy in WW2, but then again that view of history is starkly lacking. You do realize that by your own logic you say better planning leads to better performance, than why the massive build up of arms in the first place when better planning would have prevented the need for a massive build up of arms. Historically the build up of arms has always led to war due to an itchy trigger finger, it is only recently we were lucky enough that the soviets figured out nuclear winter was not prefereable to actual peace, that and they went bankrupt arming themselves beyond reasonable defense necessity.
And that’s where the logic lies. I’m all for rightfully defending yourself. Your property. But outgunnning the government is a pipe dream Not everyone needs a gun. That’s seriously troubling people who claim that position. How many guns are necessary? How much do we need to bankrupt ourselves on a buildup of weapons before we collapse like the USSR? When is enough weapons enough? Never enough? I shudder to think that.
Walking around, openly armed to the teeth, when nobody is breaking the law only intimidates innocent people. And that’s a big problem too many bullies as it is, it’s a societal problem. Now you want them armed too? What if those gang members were armed? You’d be dead, another statistic added to the pile that guns+violent tendencies equals death. You can’t reason with a nut with no regard for human life, but you can disarm them and prevent them access to the easy ability to kill.
All the gun rights activists want to compare Britain as being the best example why we need guns. You know, 4 times the violent crime rate and all. But the reality is even though they have more violent crime rates it still doesn’t doesn’t match the fact the US has a higher homicide rate, as it is just about 4 times the homicide rate as Britain. So the way it goes you might get robbed in Britain, but you won’t get killed for it. I’d much rather be robbed than killed and don’t want to live in a country where your survival is determined by how many rounds per second your gun shoots. Which would you choose?
And even though I am an atheist, most likely gun advocates in the US are of the Christian variety. I don’t recall Jesus say “Git sum guns and git ’er done”? No he said “Turn the other cheek,” and “”Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”. What he means with those words are peace is the way to peace, not war. The very reason why Christianity rose to prominence was advocating peace.
You want to talk historical war time strategy, go right ahead. Lets go back all the way to the definitive war time strategy guid. Sun Tzu’s Art of War, focuses as much on peace time strategies rather than useless arms build up for “defense”.
“To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”
So don’t come in thinking that all you need to do is get big guns and violence will be solved. No it just means the enemy either gets bigger guns or gets smart enough to counter the arms race. Look at all the US’s failed wars. We got the biggest guns, yet still miserably failed Vietnam, we’re getting our butts kicked in Afghanistan, and on top of that we’re now considered the bully of the world, not a hero.
So don’t complain about ancestors being killed and slain by bully governments when you support policies that enable bully governments to get into power.