You can find the updated thread here:
Sipik sk98 + UF C108 ill take both for $24 shipped, pm to follow.
I'll take the UltraFire UF-980L - $25 shipped. 8)
I'll take the: SkyRay King XM-LT6 NW- $38 shipped
Also, about the tailcap boots, are they all 16x8mm?
I wish they were, but sadly they are 14mm.
can you get a good picture of the inside nub on the black boots?
uniquefire g10
ultrafire u20s
- pmed
Black ones have 1/3 nub
GITD ones have 1/2 nub
ok thanks. that tells enough. i wish there was an available source for full knub... can always trim some off, cant always add
I’ll take the two 1 mode drop-ins.
Clear silicone RTV sticks really well, you can get a nice smooth surface if you make a plug the RTV won't stick to. I imagine you could form a new nub if you made the right shaped plug. I've only used it to make a single flat layer to stiffen up the boots that are too flimsy after the whole nub's been trimmed off (in trying to gain as much space as possible to make it tailstand and/or fit in the much taller forward clickies).
The biggest issue I have found is finding a "reliable" source. Especially when it comes to GITD tailcaps. It seems like most of them are very weak and almost clear or yellow colored.
If you are interested in any of these lights shoot me an offer. Also I am giving heavy discounts to those who bundle.
Got the SRK today, super fast as always :beer:
I'll take the following;
One tailcap removal took,3
The soshine batteries, 8
The 3 model xml drop in, 10
UltraFire 504B Host. 7
Any discount for shipping all together would be appreciated :)
PM me your paypal email.
PM sent.
The 1 mode drop ins arrived today, safe and sound. Thanks.
Payment sent :)
ill take the aspheric lens
payment sent. thanks glad i have a spare lens now