Evva 5200mah 26650's

Do they use the same cell in the protected and unprotected version? I am using 2 of the protected cells in an mtg2 mag and only get about 7a draw fully charged but when using samsung 25R 18650’s i get around 9a.

I am thinking about removing the protection pcb’s or maybe replacing the pcb to + lead with lower resistance wire.

I get 7.4A with two evva unprotected in a 4x XM-L2 U3 (2S2P) + DD driver 2D mag. Haven’t tried with 25R.

But 7A for a MT-G2 is already pushing it very hard!

BTW which reflector are you using? I’m building a 3D mag with H6Flex driver and mag rebel reflector.

This is the reflector I am using. It gives a pretty tight, smooth beam. I still wish I could find a 50mm designed for the mtg2.

Im using a solid 1 1/4” chunk of copper for the heatsink and a zener blf dd, I want to drive it as hard as possible on high