Please count me in too! I have an s6 I absolutely love, for five dollars there’s no way I wouldn’t buy another convoy. This one looks like it’ll handle MOAR POWAH too
Because the hotspot is 'fuzzy', instead of a sharply defined round spot, outside of which the brightness drops off. So it makes the light only a tiny bit better in one scenario and a lot worse at another. They don't need smooth reflectors to throw as well as a P60:
And now for another opinion (with much respect to Comfy)…I changed to a smooth reflector in my S5 from an OP and it really helped in my case. This light is used as a bike helmet light and it focused the beam enough to help the throw a good bit and make the light much more usable for me. Didn’t see a big hit in close work, but I don’t really do that with this light. YMMV
You don’t. There’ll be a post in the thread from simon (convoy flashlights) saying the OP has a link. It could be any time within the next few days. Basically check this thread everytime it’s updated.