
I already knew about the Easter Bunny…Just as long as Santa Keeps bringin presents im good! :bigsmile:

No Easter Bunny?

I Evolved, LOL. One of the members here sent me a drill press, or I would still be using files and truthfully, I do still use them, but when I have to work on a very thick part, or in the ID of something, I go ahead and use my gift from time to time.

The Easter Bunny was a drunken lech in a bunny suit and Santa? Well, just look at his arrest record sometime...Tongue Out

Air doesn’t absorb heat anywhere near as good as copper fins do. Replace the air with some fins. Magic.

well that’s a bugger!

Still, I haven’t yet found a turd that can’t be polished and failure is the crucible of ingenuity :slight_smile:

Cut the head off, make a giant lump of Cu or Alu heatsink, braze an appropriately sized piece of pipe to it and then stick the LEDs and optic in the top. I can understand if you don’t want to do that yourself, but at least send it to someone on here so it’s not wasted. That’d be the worst thing of all. They could even sell it for charity or future build contest prize money :slight_smile: Everybody screws up once in a while, that’s just the way of things.

Sorry to hear about the misfortune. These bad breaks tend to hit us when we're weakest. Or maybe, that's just when we feel them the most. Hope you hang in there.

EDIT: I was thinking of the other recent thread you did on the recoil light when I wrote the below part. Talk about having a senior moment. I seem to be getting them a little more regularly these days.

Thanks for the break down pics. Neat to see how those lights work. Made me regret giving away my old telescope. It had like a 6" mirror. I could have tried to make a big ole MT-G2 recoil light. The tripod would be helpful too, for beam shots.