Fake Capacity Headlamp Battery

First of all, I never doubt the battery capacity before I buy this battery.
Here is the last topic:Buy a new 18650 battery for my healamp
I Test the EVE and ROOFER with the battery tester out of curiosity.The result was a bit unexpected.
EVE is 3100mah(Discharge in 3V 2A) to be honest, the dischargeing parament should be 2.8V 1.5A(it may be 3500mah.It’s the real capacity as it sign.


However,ROOFER is not good! It says the battery has 2000mah.At first, I didn’t question it until it kept running out of power quickly.(I have bought it for one week!)

I test the capacity with battery tester(discharge in 2.8V 1.5A).It’s just only 1080mah! What a poor! I want a refund.

Maybe the ROOFER manufactuter will come for me to delete this topic and pretend nothing happens.But I still suggest you not to buy unknown battery!

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We should get this in big letters at the top of the forum :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for your tests, one other simple parameter is the weight of the cell- some crooks fill the 18650 case with a smaller cell and sand/steel/etc to make the weight appear more legitimate.

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That is NOT the only problem, the problem with batteries that meet the capacity they promise is that they have a high self-discharge, and no one tells you this, no one!!!

I hope you enjoy your stay, electronvolt!

I might be lucky that I’m able to buy batteries from a ‘local’ and reliable source, but as a ‘rule of thumb’ I never buy batteries from Aliexpress, partially because of the unknown quality and/or originallity. (Maybe buying from Simon/Convoy and/or the ‘official Vapcell’ store as an exception.)

Not only that; most of the time buying my batteries from my local shop (Nkon) is substantially cheaper, even with included shipping costs, so there is almost never any incentive for me to buy from AliExpress.

Only reason I could think of for me to maybe buy from Aliexpress, is that Nkon only sells a few Vapcell batteries and that there are some interesting models that they don’t carry.

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