Fasttech - interesting new products - Flashlights, chargers, batteries and DIY and knives - please no discussions.

how _ing dare them make such a nice _ing knife and make it _ing useless trying to _ing get it into _ing England. _ing !

Sorry! :bigsmile: Here, a cute kitty!

you have hairy arms! :open_mouth:

Can maybe ask FastTech to tighten the pivot before shipping?

They’re not my arms! :stuck_out_tongue: I just found it on Imgur. >.<

that’s ok then, I was worried for s minute, they put my arms to shame….

We shouldn’t have too much trouble getting it in to the country. Just a little problematic carrying it around. Well, I hope not, ’cause I’m ordering it.


I wish it was micarta not G10.


not so much the build as the covering

You’ll not have a problem getting it unless you are really unlucky. Perfectly legal to buy and own. You need a decent reason to carry outside of your own property tho.

I will do the same in 2-3 days. I requested also two other Sanrenmu knives: The 913P with plain blade a and the Sanrenmu T08.

You can’t carry a pocket knife anymore? It’s a pocket knife! I had a knife that big when I was nine!
This planet will soon need a diaper, I swear. :~

Nice paisley heart! 8)

In the UK we can carry locking knives but need a good reason to do so. Slipjoints with blade under 3” are okay although common sense applies.

I imagine the police would not look to favourably if you were found with a Boker XS on a Friday night in the city.

My friend is now an international felon because she had a tiny pepper spray device on her keychain while she was visiting London. Apparently it counts as a firearm and is thus highly illegal, even though it’s a tiny single-use device which is only really useful for stunning someone while you run away. (or, for some people, it can also be useful for making food more spicy)

Where I live, this sort of device is considered to be generally a good idea for many types of people to carry. Basically anyone who is female or a minority, to help with escaping from attackers.

Wow! :frowning: How awful for her. I have seen red ink sprays for sale here which I think are legal but I’m not sure how useful they are.

Also, we are not allowed to carry anything with the intention of using it for self-defence because it becomes an offensive weapon.

I have a personal alarm for peace of mind but I’m aware it’ll only buy a second or two of distraction. :~

I don’t think I like the idea that defense is the same as offense.

Regardless, I’d probably just try to blind the person with a bright flashlight while I run away.

we are not even allowed to defend our families or homes without risk of prosecution.

There have been a few high profile cases, tony martin being the most well known.

The law over here sucks, the quote that always sticks in my mind is a judge “burglars need to be protected from violent home owners”. Yeah, what your thinking is exactly the same as my thoughts, if someone broke into my house, I would consider them threatening my family, my loving partner and my three lovely little boys, I would react accordingly.

The only ray of sunshine is we do have some understanding police officers that are entirely able to accept that in a dark stressful situation, its entirely possible for someone to fall down unfamiliar stairs a number of times….

They’ve actually changed the law recently so that we no longer have to stick to ‘reasonable’ force in defending our homes, but should be legally protected as long as the response isn’t ‘grossly disproportionate’ e.g stabbing someone after you’ve knocked them unconscious.

The issue with defensive/offensive weapons is that if you are carrying it for self-defence you are tacitly admitting that (in most cases) it could be an effective offensive weapon, so they can class it as such. Otherwise anyone could carry a weapon and come out with the ‘self-defence’ excuse, so they want a reason which doesn’t involve being able to hurt someone else with it.