FastTech new arrival!!! (Updated on 3/1)

They do? Did I miss something?

I couldn’t place an order today until I removed a 2 pack of 25r’s

Mmm, thats interesting. As far as I know they ship batteries via Sweden Post…

I thought that the XPL HI currently went up to V3 bin, can you confirm V5 bin?

Thanks. This is what I was thinking. I am not trust the free air/surface mail shipping methods it lost two of my orders. Thanks to FT customer service I got my money refunded but I will not do that again. Buy combining the orders, at least I can save some shipping fee, even thought the saving may be less than $1 :slight_smile: .

I think they are XP-L V5s, not XP-L Hi V5s.

But the pictures shows an HI & the die colour looks 1A.

Maybe they are V5’s, cree sometimes do release flux bins outside the initial specs, like the XM-L2 U4 and the XP-G2 S4.

But i also ask fasttech to double check if they really are XP-L Hi V5, because they haven’t been seen before on the market so we are a bit suspicious on if they really are what you list them as.

Now I saw it.
I bought two XP-L V5 from them once and one of them only give 80% of brightness then the other. The better one is not as bright as XM-L2 U3 (~5% less from my measurement). I am now really concern about their providers’ product quality control. This is the same reason you raised. They are not as technically savvy as you said, so their supplier may take advantage of them.
To FT’s credit, they refunded me the weak one anyway.

New arrival:

3753800 Authentic EAGLE EYE X5 LED Flashlight $25.16
3753801 Authentic EAGLE EYE C8 LED Flashlight $17.64
3753802 Authentic EAGLE EYE F10 LED Flashlight $24.54
3753803 Authentic EAGLE EYE X6 LED Flashlight $18.69

Hi Bob Loblaw,

We do ship batteries via selected shipping method like Sweden post. Since Sweden cannot ship worldwide and some countries are not available for this.

Would you tell me where you are located and let me check it for you?


Im in the U.S.

Hi AlexGT,

We are double checking with our supplier and will get back to you asap.


Thanks, I am very curious about this.

And if they really are V5 and V4, they will probably sell quite well, because so far the highest on the market has been V3 and those are mostly sold out and what is available has been V2 mostly.

New arrival update (11/10)

Fasttech, could you be so kind to bring COnvoy C8 ( SMO reflector) host back? I think its time to do so, too long it has been out of stock :slight_smile:

Hi cajampa,

We have checked with our supplier again and they are V5.

Find us when you need help.



Let the frenzy begin!! :open_mouth: Almost can’t believe those are V4 & V5s?!

Now that I look at the tint, I wish it was more around 5000k… bit of a bummer.

Hi Mitko,

Yes. We will restock it again and are now working on it. Meanwhile, there are other Convoy C8 in our shop you may also interested in:

Will update you once we get the COnvoy C8 ( SMO reflector) host back :slight_smile:
