FastTech new arrival!!! (Updated on 3/1)

3: Xiaomi OTG usb cable,201444_6,201409_2

4: MJX X300C FPV quadcopter

5: Usb temperature logger with external sensor,201444_6,201409_2

On the Road X3

On the Road X5

I’m requesting this flashlight holster:

Please make it happen :smiley:

Eagle Eye X6R.

Supfire M6 :wink: would definitely by one of you stocked it and I won :party:

Maybe a Zebra?

This Zebra is ok too

Or even a fox

or a snake?

Eagle Eye F30

I know it's been stated, but please add the full, complete line of Eagle Eye lights, specially that X6R (

Also the Roche AS31 (

Basically, I think FastTech has been ignoring us for a while now, and mostly we've had to switch over to BangGood and GearBest for the latest offerings, and some excellent discounts. There's nothing new coming from you guys - not keeping up with the LED's and parts as well.

Hope this is a 2nd new beginning Wink.

Not specifically flashlight, but useful for everyone: plastic razor blades.

Xtar H3 Warboy

Xtar B20 Pilot is another that I’m interested in.

Could be an idea to stock the full Xtar light range.

I would like to see the Fast Track Flashlight

EAGTAC D25C Clicky Ti 2015
Titanium, 1x16350/CR123A, 2015 version

A quality version of this key chain lighter, “Peanut Capsule Lighter Cigarette/Cigar Refillable Oil Lighter Torch Key Chain”.*