Modded with our driver and new emitter?
Yeahsmo Ataman V2 clone
Solarforce flashlights thanks.
I’d like you to stock this, or something like it:
(I’d buy theirs but they’re looking for wholesalers, not set up to ship to individuals easily)
Here’s the key things to look for
—- fins are radial — front to back, not side to side like you see on flashlights,so moving forward (not waving it side to side) makes air flow quicker
—- fins are rounded, not with sharp points on them
—- inside diameter close to diameters of frequently used flashlights, so it could fit closely over the hot part of the light right behind the reflector.
—- “solid pill” — a solid plane in the middle of the thing for mounting the emitter, not a hole all the way through
—- good thick metal so it could be improved on a lathe — even putting a driver ledge, and threads for a battery tube and bezel, to make it the head of a flashlight
—- high emissivity — radiates heat away very efficiently — (anodized aluminum is good; shiny aluminum is very poor; black paint is pretty good)
Why? Because we’re getting to where we need better heads, that will do more heat dissipation — remove the heat before it reaches the battery.
1. Nocgtigon XM20 copper mcpcb
I request the famous buttlight rabbit—ID58081/
4. Convoy S2+ Blue host / shell only
5. Convoy S2+ red host / shell only
be a xiaomi official reseller
and selling something like the mi4 404 - Xiaomi Global
also selling good drivers from oshpark
and noctigons
ZebraLight Headlamps
Thank you,
ZebraLight Flashlights
Thank you,
22mm pill suitable for Convoy S2+ and S2+/18350
22mm outer diameter, 1.25mm threading, with driver retaining ring
How about some titanium flashlights!
like this: Thrunite Ti xpl