Hey guys - Hi Sb!
i was wondering if i am the only one who likes to know what time it is where a member i am talking with lives…
(hopefully) Sb could put the local time below the users location.
Hey guys - Hi Sb!
i was wondering if i am the only one who likes to know what time it is where a member i am talking with lives…
(hopefully) Sb could put the local time below the users location.
Hey there Martin,
Some users would probably prefer to keep their location somewhat private. But for those who do disclose their location maybe they can put their timezone (GMT +/- X) in their “Location” field?
It's such a shame so many people who appreciate a quality flashlight still have to live in the shadows, fearing the forces of darkness, not only hiding their country, but the very hemisphere they live in.
"Tell us", they implore, "where may we buy unobtainium at the cheapest price?", but it must include free shipping to our most secret location!
Some forums I visit make it compulsory to list location to at leaast country and state, supposedly it helps minimize spammers and people setting up fake accounts, I haven’t seen any evidence of it working though.
Gj, are you forum stalking M4D M4X :heart_eyes:
No, I was looking for his EC45S GB thread, so I went to his profile page , posts, to find it. While there I noticed several older threads I had missed, and subsequently commented on.
ooh - thats why….
Ordinarily I’m in favor of bringing old threads up to date but that’s just wierd. :zipper_mouth_face:
it is 3:03am here now. Does that help?
Good idea!
added time info
do i add it my self or do you add for me? it is 7pm here in sydney
Add it yourself next to your location.
meh good enough! they ask for info so why inst it auto added? or why don’t we have the option to show it?
(GMT+1) here, the same as you despite being 2000Km away 0:)
Local time in relation to GMT varies for any planet that rotates at a different speed and doesn’t have a 24 hr day. Maybe a little signature widget that displays local time.
That would make it harder for us to sell kitchens at BLF.