[February 2016] Major site upgrade coming

Can we expect a more classic ‘forum like’ forums that will be tapatalk compatible? :slight_smile: Thanks for the work though!

4 ½ hours, and BLF goes offline!

1 ½ hours until BLF goes offline. :frowning:
Countdown: BLF offline

Countdown: BLF back up!

so long and thanks for all the fish! :smiley:

Man oh man. I do not envy the changeover. That is a lot of work!

So I guess for 5 hours I will have to hang out at the other nice forum (referring to TFF)

Very best of luck with the upgrade!

What am I gonna do while BLF is down? :_(

Find something to binge watch on netflix or online streaming?

Does BLF have a channel on Netflix? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hang out at TFF? The BLF IRC channel? The shoutbox at http://budgetlightforum.blogspot.com/ ? :smiley:

I think there is some Game of Thrones I haven’t seen yet.

10 minutes left!

About 6 minutes to go. Hope the new site upgrade goes well.

Prepping for withdrawal… :frowning:

Wait! I’m not ready! Can’t we rethink this? AAAAAGGGGHHH!!!

The countdown timer has hit 0!

By the way, shouldn’t there be a banner across the home page to let people know the site’s going down?

Quick open a bunch of long threads you haven’t read yet!

banner is there...


lights out and good luck!
peace and love

BLF is alive again. Thanks Mr admin for the great work. It must have been very stressful.

You can say that again! :slight_smile: