February Giveaway Ended - Here's the Four Winners!

This really is a great forum. Lots of great people. Toss my name in too please.

Me in!

Count me in!

Thanks OL.

I’m in for the great knife giveaway.

Thanks. Count me in.

I’m IN!

Thanks O-L!

Winners Announced in the OP

Pm sent. Can I have the Brassie, please. :slight_smile:

Congratz tedh35, Rufusbduck, slow2go, Pavithra_uk!
I came soo close to winning! :~ Didn’t actually enter this one.

Steampunk living room?! :bigsmile: You wouldn’t have pics that your willing to share, would you? Wouldn’t turn down a cool oriental office either.

Eh, it’s a work in progress. Victorian style couch, Edison bulb lamp made from pipes, a giant metal-and-wood-and-leather travel trunk as a coffee table, an old dining table my grandfather built before I was born (slightly modded to make its cylindrical metal support structure look like the pipes came out of the floor, and bolted in place to keep the table from sliding when the “ship” hits turbulence), surrounded by wrought-iron and leather bar stool chairs, a book case fashioned after the steep metal ladder-like staircases found in submarines, old-looking entertainment center with gratuitously sprawling copper pipes behind it to make the television (“teleomniscope”) look slightly less anachronistic, other random pipe work added here and there and sometimes used as shelving, far too many clocks, end table made from a ship’s port-hole with a clock inside, random trunks and gears spread about, and a bunch of period trinkets here and there. Badly in need of some Victorian curtains. And I’ve thus far failed to get any good pictures of it… maybe later.

It’s very nice of Old Lumens to give away such pretty and interesting items, especially since he does it so often. :slight_smile:

Gratz tedh35, Rufusbduck, slow2go, Pavithra_uk! Tks, Justin!

Congrats on the win!

Thanks O L.

PM sent.

Thanks to OL for the gaw.

Awwww, balls i lost, ahh well, congratulations to the winners.

haha thanks for the giveaway :bigsmile:

Hey O-L.
The knife arrived today….
It’s great and I wanted to
Thank- You again

Mine too! Got home to a yellow packet with some brass goodness inside. What isn’t shown in the op is the cool wavy steel spine. The lever is the lock release.

Once again a great giveaway. Thank you Justin!