I’ve wanted a Fenix LD 22 for some time now, and the LD 20 before it, but have heard they are discontinued. They never fit my personal definition of a “budget” light, and still don’t , but I now have some extra $$, and think this may be the time.
Fenix has a good rep, but there must be others with the same or better quality.
Any comments Pro or con, and/or alternatives about the same co$t that I might consider as an alternative?
I’ve been researching the Fenix LD 22, and comparing it to the Nitecore MT2A. The Fenix side slide switch doesn’t warm the cockles of my heart. How does the quality, reliability and warranty of the Nitecore compare?
I’ve also just recently seen the little 2 AA square light that comes in three colors, but the pricing on the site where I found it (Banggood?) is in (I think) Euros…sooo…I am not sure what it costs in US $$.
Don’t see any coupons for it right now but, check with a few of the known deal getters and see if they can get you a coupon. I have one of those and I think it’s a great little light.
It seems to me at $55 on sale and only 300 lumens I would be looking to the Utorch offerings. Over twice the output at half the price….
Utorch quality on the UT01 is very good, the modes are programmable and it is the brightest AA I have ever seen while running a Li-Ion cell. I have several roaming around in many drawers, vehicle consoles and my desk. Great value for a great product.
No. I’ve got four, and three won’t work properly with 14500 cells. I won’t be surprised if the fourth ends up an NiMH light, too. I’m far from alone on this.
bought the ld 20 from a garage sale from illumination supply and a year or so later the LD22 from a half price wallbuys sale .. the button isn't a slide it's a soft larger side switch and afwrd clicky and excellent knurling . Imho it's a stellar little light. One of the best 2xAA lights I've ever owned.At 27$ it was a great buy , I doubt you'll find one cheap .
Ld20 is also a nice light but the ld22 feels like a big upgrade
I have four Utorch UT01s. All work with the Sanyo UR14500P. I have heard that some had problems with Li-Ions. I think that was early offerings. I have had not one issue.