Fenix PD35R, has anyone installed a shorter rubber boot?

The Fenix PD35R can’t tail-stand… Barely. Has anyone installed a shorter rubber boot so it can stand?

That’s what OP was asking if anyone had done, i.e. if it was known possible or not.

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Exactly… I’d very much like me a PD35R, but no-tailstand is a deal breaker for me.

In many cases this can be fixed quite easily, but with the smaller, offset main tail switch of the PD35R I’m not sure if shorter boots are available.

In addition, I have no idea how that dual tail switch is configured in the tailcap, so not sure if there is a way to tinker from the inside. And from where I live, it’s a 3-4 weeks, expensive proposition to order anything from anywhere…

So, yes… Anyone been there, done that?