Fenix TK75 2015 Edition

OK. Too many flashlights in my collection to use. Many have their own merits, and fill their niche as is, but I’ve got buyer’s remorse for the Fenix. It does exceptionally well with a lot of flood and a large hot spot, but I can’t help having an aversion to it, and I don’t know why? It’s not something you may pull out of a hat and be done with it.

It beats all my flood lights, it beats my FannyFire (pun intended) STL-V6 throw, but not by much, with a much larger hot spot.

It does everything I wanted very well, and was purchased for taking my dog for walks at night. We have woods on 3 sides of my property, and it attacks the tree trunks and seems to wrap itself around them to show deep woods features. Why am I not blown-away by this light? Expecting too much? I read countless reviews on this 2015 4 led monster, and it by all accounts it had my name written on it…but something is amiss.

After thinking about it for several hours off and on, I came to the only conclusion that seemed relevant; bang-for-buck.

That’s it! I don’t think I got my money’s worth out of this torch! It screams quality both inside and out. Can’t think of a single thing about it I don’t like, except the UI is a bit different and takes getting used to.

Perhaps I did get my money’s worth, considering the quality of the hardware, but all my torches were bought at very good prices, and their humorous names give away their cheap beginnings.

OK. After thinking about it, I did get my money’s worth for a quality torch. I have another Fenix TK15 on my AR, and I absolutely love that torch for a weapon light.

Perhaps it will just take a little getting used to, or maybe a cheap second battery extension (I have 8 protected cells lying around, same make) tube with the attached sling will make it feel important enough to justify its price, if I can find the extension and battery holder worth the bux.

Finally, (yeah, you’re glad) on a visual beauty scale, it reminds me of my former fat mother-in-law. Perhaps my problem with this light is purely psychological?

Interesting thoughts on this light. It has been my goal to someday own one as I have only heard good things. I kind of felt the same way about the Sniper M24. Love the throw but overall I can’t put my finger on why it doesn’t blow me away.