I know I posted this in my BLF contest thread here, but I couldn’t resist posting a separate thread on it.
I got my lens today. This thing is massive. It is yellowed, has some scratches, very small bubbles, and some swirling. I believe it used to be in a theater light. It is approx 204mm by 50mm. Focal length is about 270mm. It weighs 3-4 pounds. All I can say is WOW
Picture of lens on a 8.5x11” piece of paper and over my hand
Picture with an Eagle Eye X6
Picture with next to a Uniquefire 1504 with a 67mm lens
That is just way too cool!!! Since I’m a judge I’ll try not to be too bias, but I love large aspheric lenses and can’t wait to see how this one turns out!
Run for the hills. That object looks downright dangerous let alone whatever it ends up being attached to. Looking forward to the build thread on this monster.