Ok, I got this freak'n burnt out 70.2 work'n!
The contact point in the lower right at the edge of the board is what I thought had a wire - not sure now. There's another one on the top as well. So here it is with the burn mark. Weird thing is the black stuff just scraped off - used a very sharp Exacto

Here's the dome, notice some yellow, not much:

After more scraping, cutting, and the cleanup, really not that bad:

So this abused, misused LED is working, and pretty darn good! Love the tint, love the beam pattern from the OP.
Rough #'s are 296 kcd taken at 5m, and 8,100 lumens in the MT07, with the HQ BLF SRK V3.4 driver, 1 7135, 404 FET.
I made sooo many mistakes with this mod, amazed anything survived, plus weird things happening in some tests, then it all works like it should - I don't get it...
Ohhh - no yellow ring round the hot spot now, nice creamy color - how can so many things go wrong, and come out right?
Dunno why the MT07 isn't more popular - it's built like a tank, very moddable, and they got some good deals goin on it now. freeme has code MTGB for $73. What I really like about it, compared to an L6 or S70S is that there's 4 18650 cells in 2S2P instead of 2 26650's, so you get less resistance, little more capacity. Ok, it's not the slickest look'n light around...