I’m trying to find extra batteries for the Acebeam E75. On their site Acebeam Site, they sell for $20. From reddit, it sounds like the default cell is about 74.7mm in length. I’m thinking of getting the Vapecell P2150 but it looks longer at 76.6mm. Is that going to be an issue and/or are there other recommendations for other batteries? The normal Li-ion warehouse protected one (without USB-C) seems to be the same length at ~75mm,
It seems that new users have a weird cap of 2 links max so I can’t link the two cells from Li-ion Warehouse which I plan to buy from…
The top two on your link are the ones I am debating about. I’m just concerned if some protected cells are too long to fit or is that not really a concern here and I can get the one with USB-C charging on it?
The E75 has low voltage protection. You can just use a standard flat-top but because they’re shorter the light will switch off if it’s jarred. With the spacer it works as normal.
The E75 has low voltage protection. You can just use a standard flat-top but because they’re shorter the light will switch off if it’s jarred. With the spacer it works as normal.
How hard are spacers to remove/use? I assume when you unscrew the cap, the thing falls out before you even remove the battery? Also which side do you install it to? The positive terminal or the negative terminal?
Easy to use, drop the spacer into the battery tube first, mostly it will land nice and flat but if not a little shake will get it to drop into place. Insert battery and use as normal. Some people use magnets, but I prefer the spacer as it’s non-conductive apart from the button in the middle and because it’s sized to fit it can’t shift around and possibly short something.
I picked up a couple of 18650-sized and 21700-sized ones, I think the total cost was about £4. They also allow me to use flat-top batteries in my MH20 which has mechanical reverse-polarity protection.
As mentioned by @YBF650 removal is just a matter of tipping the tube and they drop out.