[Finished] 5. Batch "TA" Bistro HD OTSM/Narsil drivers, 15-47.5mm size fit H03, MF01, MT03, Q8 1S or 2S, Clicky or E-switch

I think i need a bigger inductor, not sure where to find them, they use 2 6N30 mosfet, rated 100A, so few A wont hurt them
And the diode is taken from computer PSU, which is also rated High current

Hi Lexel

Received my 17 mm driver today, thank you.
I did notice that 1 7135 is awfully close to the spring, do i need to be concerned about that? (I am actually)

100A DC current, but at a high switching frequency and depending on its characteristics even a few A can make the FET being out of specs, low switching frequency is easier but efficiency is also a considerable thing

Most n-FETs will be fine, but p fets are still not as good

Its close but there is a gap and its only 4.2V
I checked with multimeter and its as it should be

Thanks for the update!

received today boards from Oshpark

build today 10 drivers to fullfil some orders

so the mt07s stick driver wont give me any more power reliably, i think i need 46mm buck driver now
do you happen to have one, 46mm ?

So far I have only ordered 47.5mm MF02 and TN40/42 42mm driver size
Not sure if sanding the 47.5mm one will fit

Ine resistor is quite close to the edge, not sure how much clearance the MT07 has

Got today more drivers reflowed

last Vishay SIR404 FETs used

first 7 better Infineon FETs used

Send today 6 orders

was lazy on late friday evening and stood in front of closed doors saturday, because I was not thinking the 6. Jan. is a holiday here

I don’t think anyone thinks your lazy. You are cranking them out like it’s a full time job! Good work. :+1:

So, I want to give feedback on Lexel’s work here and say ‘thanks’ to him :wink:

Some weeks ago I received two drivers (Bistro HD OTSM) but due to some confusion when I ordered, springs and wires were not added! After PM with Lexel, on the same day he posted 2 bypassed springs and the correspondent wires for the 2 drivers.

I got them today and put one of them to work! The other will wait for the pieces for a triple that will be here soon :smiling_imp:

I mounted it on a Convoy S2+ XPL-HI with forward switch! All functioning great :smiley:
Of course, the “middle press” to reverse the modes will not work with the forward switch (well, just noticed that)!

Everything is very well done!
So…Thank you Lexel :sunglasses: :+1:

Yep,a big :+1: to Lexel.

A member came up with an idea for better thermal connection from MCU to the LED for his Skilhunt H03
1.5mm copper high flex wire with thermal epoxy mounted to the MCU

Thanks for the driver Lexel. :+1:

i managed to get it work nicely (swich led not connected yet), but i still have no idea which pad power the switch led for “power” or “on” indicator (if such thing is supported) as my version doesn’t support Indicator LED.

The 3 channel supports lighted switch with the 5V supply on the driver

its the small pad below the MOSFET

Interested in 20 mm driver for stock L2 with XPL HI 4B ,here are some questions.
-can it still use with 1s/2s ?
how many tail current / lumen / kcd expect with LiitoKala Lii 50A ?
-how much with loose bronze spring ,no tracking ?

TA drivers work only with 1S

current about 6A depending on LED

Are you in the usa?
Have you checked with MTN Electronics? Richard has buck drivers that can let you use 2 batteries for more run time. Or just linear drivers for single battery with whatever current draw you want.

Just ordered a NarsilM driver for Haikelite MT03, Lexel helped me with the options over PM.
