I’m guessing there’s supposed to be 12 AUX LEDs in the head!
It’s bright as hell, but I won’t be able to live with this!
I’m guessing there’s supposed to be 12 AUX LEDs in the head!
It’s bright as hell, but I won’t be able to live with this!
I got mine today also from Neal, here is mine, looks ok to me ?
His lacks an LED, but yours is perfect.
Yup, the beside the green wire.
oh so unfair
I opened RMA on FF website and also sent Jacky an email. It’s been a few days and no reply. About to open a PayPal dispute to light a fire under his ass.
Don’t expect too much. My dispute took 3 weeks start to finish without any reply.
yeah, shame they missed this, i hope they resolve it for u goodluck! such nice looking light this small details missed shouldnt go out to customers.
I’m curious if it is from the “New ”Second batch”:http://www.ff-light.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=55 from 4th March” i.e. is there more room for the battery?
I made many lighted tails and had also many of those little leds work fine at first then fail over time. I learned to not just tack the leds quickly in place but really let a good amount of solder flow under them on both sides (too much solder is not an issue with these). Maybe firefly is a bit careless with the reflow of these little leds. The flashlights should at least be checked before they are sent out, this way they have far more work on them, and money spent, than if they did their checks well.
funny there is a label on the side of the box, Qualified Certificate with date etc so its weird yeah. they shouldnt rush this light, its very unique and deserves a big audience with no issues etc.
You’re surprised it has a defect? surely that was a given
Hopefully will get these issues fixed. They have a lot of things going for them:
The problems seem to be the following:
Hopefully these issues will be corrected. I look forward to future products from Fireflies. I’m quite pleased with both my E07s. They are my brightest lights.
From the pictures it looks like the LED on the aux board is present, it’s just not lighting up. Probably it just wasn’t soldered correctly, but it could also be a broken LED.
Those little colored 0603 LEDs are a pain to try to solder. Swapped out the LEDs on a Lexel D4 board for a different color and it was a pretty painstaking process to do it all by hand.
Please let us know how Jack plans to resolve the issues customers are having.
I’m a novice looking for help. I have had this fireflies e07 gen one for about a year with no problems. Today I turn it on stays on briefly I turn it off then try to turn it on again nothing happens. The only thing that happens is the button stays lit with two opposing purple lights. Checked the battery no issue there.Can’t figure out what it is any help is appreciated.
Sometimes these tactile plunger switches fail…like this one…un-soldered the 2 wires and touched them together to simulate a momentary switch activation, the light cycles fine….in this case… time for a new one….
That makes sense because the button is awfully mushy has been from day one. Thanks KawiBoy1428 for the info and expertise. You wouldn’t happen to know the best source for the switch do I go back to fireflies?
Try fireflies, or just replace the tactile switch itself, mouser/digi-key has them. If you want to replace the board and switch together, pop the old one out, to see if it is a 3 or 4 contact pcb?
A. Mountain Electronics has them… MTN 12mm Momentary Switch (for momentary / e.switch drivers)
B. I use the BLF Q8 lighted switch assembly alot. Page Not Found - Aliexpress.com