Fireflies PL09 Quad Review
For starters, I’m going to shamelessly rip off a lot of the general outline of a ZeroAir review, since he’s possibly my favorite (certainly one of my favorites) reviewer currently Official Specs and Features Read them here (if you can get their website to load) Versions
There’s, uh, also the PL09Mu that the hosts are from, which had 9 E21A in a mule. For this light, there’s a few customization options:
Color: Navy Blue or Ice Red
Aux LEDs: Purple, Ice Blue, or Custom
Emitters: SST-20 5000K, 519A 5000K R9080, 219b 4000K sw40 d220 R9080, or XP-L HI V4 3A 5000K
Accessories: 22430 tube, battery, charger, extra tailcap (longer? says “for USB 21700 battery”) Price
The base price is $55, but some options have additional cost. Short Review
This is a solid offering by Fireflies. At launch, its only real competition was the Sofirn IF25/A and the Nitecore E4K, as far as I’m aware. However, the Wurkkos TS25 has just launched and the Emisar D4K is available for preorder, and ought to be worthy challengers. What’s Included
My edition came with the light itself, a silicone diffuser (slightly conical, I forgot to take pictures), spare O-rings, and a pocket clip (not installed) Package and Manual
The packaging is pretty standard, though the box is above-average. The manual is fine; description of Anduril 2’s advanced UI is lacking in the manual. For example, ramp configuration was not mentioned. I’m too lazy to photograph a box. Build Quality and Disassembly
The head and tail can be removed. I was unable to find any flaws in anodization or finish. I didn’t crack the bezel to check for glue.
The stainless steel bezel is default and nice. The magnet is default as well, and not readily removable - it’s beneath the tail contact PCB. The threads are either square or slightly trapezoidal, but done well either way. Mine were well lubricated. The driver spring on my example is bypassed; the tail spring is not. I would guess the driver is glued in, since I don’t see another method of retention. The metal switch sits ever-so-slightly proud, but pressing the light down switch-first on a flat surface fails to actuate it. The feel of it is very nice, as e-switches go. One of the best IMO. The switch bezel appears press-fit. The knurling is nice, it is grippy but not obnoxious. For the body tube, it is not reversible: the threads at the head are longer and of a different pitch. The “fins” on the head are quite chonk. As I have seen with other examples, my light is labelled “PL09-MU”, despite being a PL09 Quad. This appears to mean that Fireflies has directly interchangeable bodies between the two lights. The pocket clip was very difficult to install, and I would categorize its risk of escape as being among the least concern for non-captive clips. Size and Comps
It is slightly longer than a KR4, and perhaps a hair wider. I was surprised it was longer, since the tail on the KR4 adds some length that the PL09 doesn’t have. It’s a smidge shorter than the Zebralight SC700d.
It’s basically what you’d expect if someone told you “D4 but 21700” - I would love to see it next to the upcoming D4K… and the TS25! Maybe someone will have the full set with IF25 and Nitecore E4K Retention and Carry
The pocket clip is not as substantial, nor deep, as I’d desire. There is a lanyard slot in the tailcap. I don’t remember a lanyard being included but I may have forgotten about it already. I have enough spares either way, if something truly possessed me to use it. Pulse Width Modulation
The light of course PWMs the FET with Anduril 2. I didn’t measure it. It’s very fast and I don’t see it. Depending on the linear component, PWM may be used there as well. I didn’t investigate that either. User Interface and Operation
Anduril 2. Noteworthy is that I cannot find a way to turn off the switch LED. LED and Beam
The 519As are in a throwier optic than the usual Carclo 20mm quads. I’ve read somewhere that it’s the same as the Kaidomain throwy optic? Not sure. It’s quite nice, though. And the 519A 5000Ks do not disappoint. LED Color Report (CRI and CCT)
Waveform lighting says Duv 0.0050 to 0.019
Full FET:
Waveform lighting says Duv –0.0012 to –0.0019
Note that these measurements are taken with an Opple, the light held in one hand, and the other hand trying to take screenshots on a smartphone. Conclusion What I like
21700, but still compact
Massive output
Anduril 2 What I don’t like
A better pocket clip would’ve been nice, but it’s no deal-breaker. RGB Aux LEDs seem to be the new standard.
I can’t disable the switch LED, so it literally cannot be in my bedroom at night. It is by far the brightest thing in the room otherwise. Notes
The purple on these aux LEDs is fantastic. Stare into them.
Comparison of Low modes vs my D4:
Switch LED:
I received this flashlight at now cost as a result of the 2020 Old Lumens contest, from the sponsor Fireflies (as a substitute for the T1R which is delayed indefinitely). I was not asked to post a review.
There are 4 button LEDs, 2 are connected to the same pad as the front LEDs and the two others to batt+ IIRC, weird thing to do.
Each set of two draw 1.5~2mA avg, double that for the four LEDs, that’s quite high and no surprise that it’s too bright in a room at night. In my PL09 I only plugged one wire and decreased it to ~100uA, but I should have set it even lower.
thefreeman! What’s the stock driver, FET+1?
I do like the optic better.
That makes perfect sense. When I had the aux set to “breathe”, there was something funky going on in the button LEDs.
I will need to fix the button LEDs, I think. I’ll move them both to Anduril control. The drain might be high, but if I can turn them off I won’t care as much. If I get bothered enough I may throw in some resistance.
I’ve got to say, RGB aux LEDs might make more colors, but the purple on RGBs is nowhere near as good as the single-color purple on this
The optic really is something, it’s hypnotizing. And are those the AUX’s showing butted up against the LED’s? You can see 4 squares around each emitter in the optics.
I know you mentioned the SS Bezel as an included item a little further down, bit you forgot to mention the magnet coming stock too. Figured some may care to know that
Thank you for this awesome breakdown and review, and the great comparison shots too.
Thanks - added the magnet right after the bezel comment. Also noted that it probably can’t be removed - it’s beneath the glued-in tail contact/spring board.
The aux LEDs are not up against the LEDs AFAIK - likely they’re just reflecting there. I’m unfortunately not in a position to pull the optic for a photo right now without getting fingerprints and/or dirt everywhere.
It looks like FET+3 (all 3 7135 VDD pins are connected together), that could explain the non linear ramp if they used a FET+1 ramp.
Actually regarding the aux LEDs there is :
- a ”aux” pad for the front LEDs, connected to pin 7
- a ”L” pad connected pin 3 via a 18k resistor
a ”LS” pad connect to VCC (T85) via a 18k resistor.
So I was wrong for my current measurements I assumed the series resistor were in the button but that’s not the case.
There is still a non controllable set of 2 button LEDs.
Thanks thefreeman! So moving the wire for the “LS” pad to connect to pin 3 ought to fix Anduril control of the LEDs.
Edit: Easy ramp fix: desolder two 7135s! :person_facepalming:
This is thefreeman’s flex board design, one aux LED per primary LED.
At least, this is the only photo I could find. I don’t know if this is actually a custom modification or if it’s close to representing how the Firefly Lite aux LED arrangement is on the PL09.
For the PL47G2, the same board is used as with the PL47mu… so it’s a large array of micro aux LED surrounding the primary emitters.
Incidentally, I’m wondering—does the array of 16 aux-LED’s set on the lowest setting have about the same parasitic drain as the 4 aux-LED’s producing about the same amount of lumens?