Order placed: November 14th
Label Created: November 23
Current Progress: None
It has been 17 days since I placed the order and the package has not actually been shipped. Look, I don’t mind pre-ordering products for a good price but I want to know in advance that it is a pre-order. Clearly this light was not in stock when I ordered it.
Recently Luxwad reviewed a Fireflylite and mentioned that he ordered red and received blue. Well let me tell you this: I ordered this light specifically because I liked the red finish. The red finish was the only reason I bought a PL09 Quad instead of the D4K. If I receive a blue light and they expect me to pay again to receive a red one, I’ll be reversing the charge. That’s ridiculous.
I ordered 08.10.2022 a E07X Pro in preorder.
With the 519A dedome 5700K/5000K mix, and new lume1 driver.
And I knew the earliest Jack would have parts for it was in second half of November. So I'm waiting patiently, as it was know, that there will be a problem with components supply. (I know some people have their E07X pro already shipped)
We know it's all it the problems with China zero covid, and supply chain disruption, so I'm waiting patiently. If you want the flashlight fast, buying one in China right now, can be a bad idea.
If you orders the NICHIA 519A 5700K then that's may be the problem, as Jack didn't have it till couple weeks ago, and it could be just queued.
So far I got 4 flashlights that I bought directly from Jack, and only one time He communicated that he just didn't have the one I wanted E07 CU, and told me he will send the different one E07 Cu-Ti so +20$ more expensive one
( later I discover he actually sended it with the 4000K 219B instead of 4500K 219B, but that's all ). But that light was customized on my order, like I wanted, so I let it pass
The other possibility is that he don't have RED one, and is waiting for it. On reddit I red, that "E12r sand, novmu sand, and e07x pro red, all are a two months wait" no info on PL09 QUAD.
You could try to reply to the order confirmation Email (as that's the easiest to get to Jack), but I doubt it would help time wize, you could probably just hear from Him why the holdup.
Seems like they should be reaching out to customers to let them know about estimated wait times instead of waiting for them to complain. Two months is an pretty significant wait for something that most likely showed up as “in stock” on the website.
Maybe I will contact them to find out about the estimated wait time for my PL09. If it’s two months, I will request a refund. I’d rather stick to buying from businesses who know how to manage their websites and inventory properly. It’s really unprofessional to have these kinds of delays and not to say anything unless the customer complains.
I’ll post an update if I get a response from them on my PL09 Quad order.
Last I heard, lock-downs didn’t force people to list products as in-stock when they are not, nor do lock-downs prevent the sending of emails to communicate with customers. Kindly sod off to some other thread you pearl clutching pansy.
You do realize, they have to build it for you, right? They don't have any buffer inventory ready, as all lights are order made (hank, or jack), it's not olight, or sofirn.
The in stock, mean they have parts, or should have them in timely manner.
And jack is known for not responding to emails (sometimes he responds, sometimes not, it's still better nowadays, then couple years ago).
And I did had update with the E07X pro (that's why I know he didn't had drivers and leds till now, but we all knew it before placing the preorder)
Hank has more emitter options and more model variation and yet all of my orders from him have been fulfilled at a reasonable pace. If he is experiencing issues with shipping he makes it known. If an emitter is out of stock, he removes it from the options on the website.
Being known for not responding to emails is not good if you’re trying to run a business.
I was unaware of any missing parts for the model I ordered and there was no warning or greyed out options during the order process. It’s good that he is trying to inform some people but he needs to use his own website to inform buyers as they are buying. I should not have been able to select an emitter he did not have in stock with no knowledge of it.
I understand the business is small, but these seem like pretty foundational steps to take to prevent logistical issues and to preserve customer good-will.
On one hand, I completely understand your point about entitlement of the consumer.
On the other hand, similar small flashlight companies like Convoy and Intl Outdoor aren’t taking 2 months to deliver their lights operating with the same restrictions, so it’s a little puzzling why FFlite has, at least in this case.
If you read my post, the point of it wasn’t “MY LIGHT DIDN’T COME IN ONE WEEK waaaah.” My point was, the seller knew they couldn’t immediately fulfill my order at the time it was placed, but this was not indicated anywhere during the purchase process. Even if it were the case that stock was running close and they ran out of a component just as my order was placed, an update email should have been sent to all customers as a matter of course informing them of the delay. Instead, they just printed a shipping label after 9 days and hoped nobody would execute a charge-back.
Wasn’t talking to you. If I was, I would’ve quoted you.
Wasn’t talking specifically about you either, just the general consumer attitude. If you read my post, you see that I also pointed out that other companies operating under the same restrictions weren’t having issues like FF is.
I have purchased from them in the past, never a problem. If you don’t like where you are shopping from, don’t shop there anymore. Very simple, no reason to act like a bunch of girls.
I think we all know that some company like Fireflies has small team, and because they do not usually speak English, communication is more difficult for them. But I think the main suggestion is that customers are able to wait, but Fireflies just need to provide more communication or clearer detail about expected shipping date, and send an email if there is any delay.
For shipping, I think that is maybe a different problem. Once company has shipped product with tracking number, my experience is that shipping company from China is quite inconsistent and sometime there is no update with the tracking number for a long time, and suddenly the item is delivered. I do not think the company has any control of this.
I guess the weird thing is the inconsistent communication. Jack takes the time to reply to emails or Facebook posts to people personally, but inconsistently, but now that he has venues for communicating to his entire client-base all at once (a banner on the website, a post on the sub-Reddit, an email list, and a Facebook group), he isn’t really utilizing them.
I think we can sympathize that running a small business is hard and time-consuming to make every client happy, but one of the easiest ways to make life easier for himself is to simultaneously answer everyone all at once through those broadcast venues, so that people’s questions are answered before they ever need to attempt to communicate with him personally. It just makes little sense to me that he doesn’t. I think I myself would go insane if I had to repeat the same information individually to every single client I had, so why not just make a website banner?
There is some unprecedented chaos going on in China right now with lockdowns, rioting/protests, etc. and if all he did was make a post that was 3 sentences long to say, that China is in chaos right now, and he is still waiting on parts to ship out orders, and he would appreciate if everyone could remain patient while he worked through it… well, why doesn’t he just do that? Just as human being, those are my working assumptions of the situation, but only what I can assume from watching the news and collecting rumors from other people, because he never explicitly communicated it.
The amount of good-will he would build by establishing reliable communication with his client-base and simultaneously saving him time would increase his business and efficiency, rather than reduce it. Instead, as we can see, people are getting worried or ill-tempered and it seems bad.
Sorry, the P03 orange is back , but all the Orange P03 has big flaws on head and body, we can not ship them out . Can you accept P03 deep red or Matt black? P03 Red or Black are in perfect condition.
Looking forward your reply
PL09 quad should not take a long time to build and ship since all the parts are available. E07X is different because Jack communicated with all the buyers that he will only release a small batch for pre-order and the new and improved lume1 drivers aren’t available till 15 November (delayed until further notice due to logistics issue).
While I’m addressing your insistence on publicly drowning in a cup of water, I’ll also address some of the things others have said “should be done”.
Your first gripe is that you don’t know what’s going on and you insist that your ignorance is due to you not having been personally notified by the seller.
Some suggested that a seller responding to every person individually is a bit much, but an announcement would make more sense. I agree with that, as does Jack and he has absolutely been doing that. He was letting people know what was coming up, his target dates. And when those target dates weren’t met, he provided what he was told should be his new expectations for delivery. But the updates on delivery dates have waned as times goes on. The reason for that may be that every date Jack has been given was false. And by passing every untrustworthy update along, all he is doing is getting people wrongly excited and more antsy. So clearly he’s not trying to keep playing that game.
Jack has also let people know ahead of time some of the options they’d have in the near future in case anyone wanted to postpone their orders and have those things added. This was done for things like the new 2700k & 5700k 519A CCT’s Jack was waiting for. Then he also let people know what the Lume 1 driver situation was and that people had some options. He also mentioned that an E07x color had sold out and that a second color was being released. So Jack does notify and update…when there’s an actual update to give. Just like he did last night about those Orange P03’s coming in with Ano defects.
In your case, what you demand Jack do is to take the time to personally update you, even if the update is that there is no update. And if you expect that for you, safe to say you expect that for every single customer. That is where Jack clearly disagrees with you. It’s his time to manage, and if he doesn’t see value in sending dummy updates and sorting through each order to do that, than that’s just what it is. If you want to cancel the order, why not do that? Why go online and threaten the air particles that you’ll do it? Just do it and get your peace back. Then mentioning the Lux Wad thing followed by another threat to the atmosphere is comedy. If you don’t get the color you want, tell Jack. And if he doesn’t help. Again, why melt down when you can just charge it back like you said? This “I’m bothered and I know everyone can’t wait to hear about it” is quite amusing considering it’s coming from what I’m assuming is an adult.
I know that it’s easy to just think of only you and your own order in these cases, but Jack is also releasing damn near 10 different models of lights in a short span. He is also porting over to a new website. In all this he also let us know about lockdowns happening as well as the fact that he is in the middle of moving all his company operations to an entirely different city that was less affected by lockdowns or delays (or at least at the time he moved it was). And this is on top of the all the civil unrest we can see ourselves.
So is Jack doing all that in the middle of all this because he just doesn’t care if or when his customers get their packages? He also added a new shop worker (Timó Lee), he also added Ivy in Customer service, and got her some support. Jack is also opening a new US Warehouse where customers will even be able to actually return their lights if they don’t like it or wasn’t for them. Jack gets accused of being so may things and just flat out not caring. Would Jack be doing all of this if he didn’t care to make improvements that benefit his customers?
But here’s the thing. Jack is making the improvements HE wants to make for HIS company. Everyone has an opinion on what and how Jack should be doing stuff. Everyone swears they can do way better, so why not go make your own company and do it? Take all your suggestions and devise the best flashlight customer service ever. Then design and build some of the best flashlights ever too. Then make sure to answer every single persons questions as well as every email ever sent to you if it’s so easy.
You bring up Hank and all the things he does that Jack doesn’t. So quick question: Does Hank have a light with an efficient driver AND a FET? Cause Jack has 5 of those and will likely drop a 6th one with the X1. And Jack’s Buck drivers are more efficient than Hanks drivers too, on top of having a real FET. Jack has had these for years now. What about Hank? Do you have any Hanks lights with a driver like that? Or a Hank light with the AUX layouts and LED arrays Jack has? Cause as a flashlight enthusiasts…THATS what is most important. Surely there must be SOME reason you want to by Jacks lights? And that’s what it comes down to. Cause for me, Hank lost me a while ago, and he still doesn’t have enough for what he charges to compete with what Jack is doing. Hank has his strengths, but he does not have Jacks strengths. You aren’t even buying one of those better driver lights so you must still see something in the other lights also.
So many people want his lights too. Hell, so many manufactures WISH they could make lights as good as Jacks. And that’s a huge reason why so many people are exercising patience, on top of the many reasons Jack has given that makes us understand that patience will inevitable be needed now more than ever. Consider yourself now being properly notified. And if you decide to cancel, do it. But don’t tell me cause I don’t care.
Your insistence on being so publicly dismayed is very telling. But I ain’t your therapist so we won’t touch on that.
But when you do see your therapist. Ask why you couldn’t just make a post to the community like this:
“Hey all,
I placed an order for a PL09Q on the 14th of Nov. Label was created on the 24th but haven’t heard any updates or seen any movement. Would anyone have any insight why that may be?”
People would have been like: Sure, a lot going on. What was your order? Because if you ordered 5700k or 2700k 519A, he may still be waiting for them. If you didn’t order those, maybe it’s a lockdown affecting it. If it’s not a lockdown, it may be just that your order is way down in the que. Jack has been taking pre-orders for lights since early October (Edit: Correction…September). So there could still be quite a bit of order filling ahead of you even if all your parts are already in.
So many people could have told you this because it’s being talked about every day. Or you could have gone looking for it instead of acting like the only way for you to find any of this out was by a personal note from Jack.
But instead of doing any of that, you decided to just publicly declare Jack a lying conman that’s just trying to game his customers. And why? Because he just didn’t respond to YOU? People have been telling you Jack is a serious seller, but the second you don’t get your demands met you melt down? And you have the nerve to tell me I’M the pearl clutching pansy? That’s pretty rich, Chief.
I’m for people running their own business how ever they see fit. As well as for people choosing to take their business elsewhere if they don’t like it. Is that not something you believe too? Can’t you just cancel your order right now and just give yourself some peace since you already know you can’t control or compose yourself? And how dare someone in the company print a label in anticipation of and preparation for filling your order, right? Doesn’t he know that people melt down over stuff like that? LOL dude. You really need to learn to get a grip man. We’re just trying to enjoy the hobby around here.
As you can see I’m not here to argue. I just laid out the facts. You can take ’em or leave ’em and do whatever you want with them.