Hey everyone,
I am completely new to the whole DIY/modding experience of flashlights, and I would like to try it out for myself! I have looked at these links as a potential build, but am not sure what to do in terms of the driver? I would really like to stick with the same host (Convoy S11) and led (xhp50.2) if possible, but am open to other led and driver combinations.
Thanks in advance!
22mm driver? Hang on…
Yah, here ya go. Ultrafire F13 mod
22mm boost driver, but for a 3V LED:
There are similar ones that’d be similar, just check the output voltages. But AX is a good place to start, Fasttech also.
You can pick 1-mode, multimodes, etc. Just goggle around, post here any contenders you find.