I received this light as a gift from Sofirn. They did not ask for anything in return, Im just volunteering some impressions.
The forward clicky allows easy access to momentary outputs and mode changes. Has last mode memory and convenient built in charging by USB-C. Once the desired output is selected it is easy to turn the light on and off at the memorized level. Modes can also be advanced by turning the light off and back on quickly, using a full press, which locks the switch On.
After reading the short and simple manual, I found it easy to access the 3 different output programs. The Tir optic produces a nice floody beam. There is no visible flicker when waving the light on the lowest mode.
Strobe is available in 1 of the 3 optional mode programs. By default there is no strobe enabled. Strobe can not be memorized.
There are no multiclic shortcuts to low, Turbo, or Strobe, the modes just cycle in a loop, by using quick half presses from off to advance modes, or by switching the light Off and back On quickly.
The light can be physically locked out by unscrewing the tailcap or head, a quarter turn. If it is locked out from On, the light will turn back On when the tailcap or head is retightened. It is also possible to advance modes by quickly twisting and untwisting the tailcap or the head,
I think this light would be useful for flooding a back yard with light. It could also be useful for inspecting the engine bay of a vehicle, including during the day.
The beam is wide and clean, with no artifacts. Although the photo shows green tint when the light is laid on a table, the Tir does an excellent job of blending the output, so it actually does not seem green to me in actual use when whitewall hunting durig the day, as shown in the bottom right corner of the photo: