First "real" flashlight for a kid...

The kid is turning 12 in June, and he dosn’t try to stare into the bulb any more. In fact, he is careful about that, so it seems, thet he is old enough to get something bright. Also, I just bought his little sister a little aaa Lumintop in pink, and he said, he would like a flashlight too…
So I’m looking at Convoy s2+ and I’m a little confused - should I buy one with batterie and charger included, or better get him a Liitokala 100 (also not sura about the difference between 100, 100-B and 100-C)
And what led? I myself prefer warmer lights, but would a boy like 5000K or 6500K better?
Any alternatives?
Any advice appreciated…

Maybe not buy him a flashlight that uses lithium batteries. Is he old enough to understand that lithium batteries can be dangerous if mishandled/misused? I personally wouldn’t be giving anything that uses removable lithium batteries to a kid. You could buy a protected 18650 I guess, but still need to educate him with a few dos and don’ts.

Just get him a T4 and use 2x AA batteries. Select the 4 mode version.

Skilhunt M200; H04RC;

My son was using flashlights by 4, I guess it’s an individual thing, depends on their aptitude.

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Wurkkos FC11 4000k. For a whole host of reasons. If you want to make it smaller you can get the short tube with it and some 18350s.

It’s been a while since we’ve seen TM Miller — their last post was 3 years ago.

^ Hey there @TM_Miller great to see you!

Yeah I think I’d tend to agree with @PiercingTheDarkness that Li-Ions might not be a good idea for some kids (and also for some adults). Maybe consider one of those soda can style lights that use 4xAA, they’re versatile for using with rechargeable cells or consumables in a pinch, and they’re just as bright as a lot of Li-Ion lights.

I grew up on a farm around all kinds of deadly equipment. I remember being told what happens to people that fall in the hoppers of grain elevators or get careless around power take-offs. A 12 year old should be capable of avoiding deadly consequences if you don’t mince words and tell them what is at stake and how to prevent accident. That being said, you know your kid best and whether or not instructions like that would sink in.

Yes, it’s been a while @sb56637 :slight_smile:

Well, I trust him… He is sesnible enough to have cut himself seriously with a knife only 2 years after receiving it as his 5-th birthday present. And, he goes to school with at least 1, sometimes - 2 lithium batteries in his backpack (phone and tablet)
Besides, who hasn’t played around with rust and akuminium powder to make thermite, when he was a kid?

The only issue might be- if someone “borrows” his flashlight. He is so posessive of his things, that I doubt that he will let anybody play with his flashlight willingly…

I doubt that he would be impressed with something, that gives out less than 1000 lumens :smiley:

It shounds like your son is ready for a state of the art flashlight. Congrats!

I would pick a Sofirn SC21 Pro, because

  1. it has built in charging

  2. they are now shipping w Anduril 2

  3. you can set it up to come on in Simple mode, using whatever max output you feel comfortable with

  4. the button is illuminated, this is a Great Feature!

  5. it has a tailmagnet, your son will probably love that, he could also learn about how to use the light as a compass to find magnetic north (ask me how :wink: )

  6. the pocket clip is deep carry and has the option to clip to a baseball cap as a Hat Lamp

  7. By giving him an Anduril 2 light with all the above features, and more, he will be receiving a state of the art light. With room for him to grow into learning all the advanced features available.

  8. you could even share the joy of modding with him… here is a post showing a simple drop in Tir mod

  1. swapping the LED to 519a is also an option…
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I would go sp10pro. You can even power it with an AA to begin with or as back-up.

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You got my attention :smiley:, can you please explain how to use a magnetic tail as a compass ?

I guess - put it on a piece of styrofoam (or pine bark) and put it in water? Magnet should point to magnetic pole.

noktigon kr4

Headlamp??? The Blitzu ones on Amazon?

I think Anduril 2 will be learned by heart within a few hours by a 12 yo kid. Just print the map in a big scale and leave it alone for a while. Lol.

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good idea

can also work to hang from a thread horizontally

just need to figure out if the magnet is installed pointing north or south :wink:

fwiw, SC21 Pro is on Sale until the 21st on aliexpress

the black ones offer a choice of 2700K, which imo is a nice color temp for nightime, if youre not in a position to swap LEDS…

Im partial to the Red Hosts, there is also a nice Green one

Sofirn SP31 V2.0

Convoy L7. Nobody will mess with him at recess.

Thank You, guys, some interesting ideas here!

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