I bought some 18650 holders to use for charging but the plastic/metal on the holder tore up the top my 18650s casings up.
Didn't fix the holder until after it removed the top covers of 2 batteries.
Now I am tired of putting a battery into a light and seeing a nice spark from the metal touching metal touching the positive.
Or worse, having the spring cause the spark inside the light. :X
That would work, but is there anything that doesn't require new wrap or special tools?
I had electrical tape with a malformed circle cut out on them earlier, it doesn't stay in place very well and it there is still exposed metal that shouldn't be.
FT has 18650 heatsrink wrap in a many colors. $1.18 clear See “Available models and parts” for other colors. Blue is $0.84
You can shrink it with a lighter.
You could try clear packing tape folded over the edge. New wrap will be best tho.
You can use heatsrink wraps, as has been suggested, and if you rush to put “something”, use the nail polish, I use it for isolating the electrical contacts, it is durable and you take it with acetone.
You can also use a small o-ring at the top of the host for a battery bumper. It may help prevent any further wrappers on the batteries from coming off.
They are sold by the foot, but it says: Availability: 1 on the product page and "Products marked with *** are not available in the desired quantity or not in stock!" at checkout.
29mm is as small as you want to go, most consider this size perfect. But the 31mm that I linked works great there’s a little more room to work with and does shrink down tight to the battery even at the cut ends. I did 2 batteries just a few days ago, works like a charm.
Edit: By the way that is flat heat shrink, measured across the tubing when flat, like in the pics a ebay.
Good thread that might help. Tutorial: Rewrapping a battery