FL-2 How to remove modes?

I am looking at running a MT-G2 with a 78mm aspherical lense of a a 9-16V source. I dont want all the modes though, just high.

Has anyone modded the FL-2 to remove the modes? So it just runs on high? Headsinking should not be a problem as the LED will be on a noctigon directly mounted to a piece of 1/4inch by 3inch piece of copper…

FL-2 here: http://www.lck-led.com/5000ma-driver-modes-p-935.html?cPath=37_135

Hi and welcome macrosloth. Interesting name you have. I believe this driver has same mode memory if that helps.

Thanks, I’m leaning at this point to figuring out how to build my own driver… Plan at this point is to parallel 10-20 amc 7135’s to two mt-g2’s in series off of 13.5 volts, and to use a few resistors to keep the incoming voltage as close to the MT-G2’s as possible…