On Budget light forums I've seem glass display cases , velvet lined wooden boxes ,shotgun boxes , pouches ,suitcases... you name it .
Where do you keep your lights, batteries ,parts and other toys ?
got one of these a few months ago and love it ....It holds about 25 smaller lights .12 AA size on the right / 4 tube light 18650's -back right 4 2xAA lights left rear and 5 or 6 misc. front left . it's very handy and nice not to have lights get jostled and falling like dominoes , Nice storage in about a 1 foot sqare space. It's very handy They are pretty cheap off Ebay and I just realized that bangood used to sell them too .
i also have a couple 3" high x 3 " deep x 12" long plastic trays that have smaller lights clipped over the sides.. Thinking of screwing them onto the side of my cheap shelf that sits on my desk
Something like this with a thin side so lights slip easily over it's side and just enough storage in the tray for headlamps or a few other lights that don't have a clip
Some of the cheap pencil boxes that snap shut and slide open easily hold eleven 18650's
they are cheap and handy ..
If you have the box that the UT-01 came in you can get 12 18650's nicely in them too .
AA NIMH are in half of a plastic soap container and AA's are in the lid .Each holds about 20 batteries charged and ready to go .
I am keeping my eyes open in charity shops. Camera and lens boxes in particular can be really solid and well made, with leather hinges and straps, yet sell for peanuts since only the hardware has real value. I must take a pic of my latest find, which was a large lens and accessory box, cost me less than $1 but is big enough to hold several LII-500 sized chargers plus accessories, has a Pentax branded strap, but the box itself is another lens brand. Red padded interior and leather hinges - very nifty.
I have previously posted pics of my much smaller Q8 carrier - also a former lens case for about $1.
A large metal cash box with plastic segmented tray (missing a key) was also maybe $2, perfect for insulating and separating batteries, but also enclosing them in thick metal for safety.
My lights are standing up in various places through out the house and garage, mostly in my office (My toy room) .
Batteries are in my office besides the ones in my flashlights. Parts are kept in small clear plastic plano fishing boxes. Each one contains about 15 different little compartments that can be made bigger by pulling out a divider. They also stay in my office.
I don't pretend to be a battery expert at all, but wouldn't keeping a battery in a air tight sealed container like that plastic one in your pic, wouldn't that increase the pressure before release, and thus the severity of the 'vent' if it ever did happen..? Kind of like a sealed pipe does for explosives..?
Just a question for those experts in li-ion bats...
Those are cheap plastic $1 match stick tubes at Walmart. The threads are so bad you can pull them apart without unscrewing. Plus, the chance of a battery venting when not in use or in some device, is slim to none.
I keep about a dozen flashlights of various sorts on the kitchen counter. I have a shoebox full of 18650s in the bathroom with a couple more lights. I keep the rest of my lights in my flashlight bag. With another couple dozen 18650s in plastic battery cases. Kinda looks like a small diaper bag but solid black. I have more 18650s in like a kindergarteners pencil or marker case. Probably has about 40 or so cells in it. And the rest of the cells, or packs I hadn’t taken apart yet are just sitting in a cardboard box in the living room.
Some people are real uptight about their batteries. And with the old icr batteries that may have been good. But this new hybrid cells have to go through so much testing and not vent with flame. If they can be baked in a oven, crushed, dropped, overcharged for several hours at 12 volts and several amps and direct short circuit for hours. I have faith they won’t catastrophically fail sitting in a box. They just die and lose capacity from not being used. I keep enough to have me and my family enough light for a month includes my parents and in-laws. Incase another Katrina comes through. After months of no power because of 40ft waves destroying my city. I have a hoarding issue with some things.
You mean like using a battery in a sealed aluminum tube, like a flashlight?
Don’t worry about cells sitting idle. If you’re going to worry, do it while they’re charging, or if you’re using them in a really high-drain application. Or, just don’t worry about it at all, because there’s a 99.9999% chance something else is going to kill you.
18650s and 14500s I keep in 4-wide PE cases. Then I stuff them into a couple of
cases to keep them snug and protected. 4×18650 cases stack nicely from end-to-and (like a loaf of bread), perfect dimensions…
Plus, you got some side-pockets for a small charger, usb cables, other miscellanea.
Short of dropping them into a roaring fire or soaking them in a highly ionic liquid, they ain’t going anywhere.
Usual come-with cases either get banged up in transport (even cracked), or might be flimsy, so I use those for “temporary” storage or if I need to give someone a cell. This way, all of mine are the same exact style/shape/size and fit nicely into the zip-case.
Forgot if it was Amazon or from somewhere in the Orient, but there were 4×AA cases that came in various colors, so I’d stick NiMH in one color, LiFePO4 in another, Li-ion in yet another.
I bought a nice unfinished wooden chest at AC Moore yesterday for about $10 with a 50% off coupon that’s always available. They have a nice selection of wooden shelves and boxes that can be used for flashlight storage. Michaels also has an assortment similar to this :