I think these are your first posts since Aug 19…
How are you doing?
I keep all the boxes with all the accessories inside because I don’t have a reason not to yet. The small boxes fit inside larger product boxes that I’m already saving for moving appliances. (apartment living)
If I start running out of space in the larger boxes, I will probably trash the boxes of my most used-lights and consolidate the extras in plastic shoebox full of labeled baggies.
In general, I still consider every light an experiment at this point. I haven’t found my “grail.” So I always look at what I’m using and what I’m not with an eye at reducing clutter. Few lights are safe from downsizing.
Everybody send all their boxes to Charles Bridgetec.
It’ll keep him busy for months!
Charles is the best, he loves when lights come well lubricated.
Good to see you RC, i’m doing okay.
Just okay
Thanks, all.
Since I really don’t like taking the time to sell lights very often, I’m supposing it makes sense to toss them. As a minimalist, I struggle with having extra stuff!
Agree, if you have no intention of ever selling your lights, toss the boxes.
I’m in the small plastic bag with the instructions - so I can tell which light the do-dads belong to - club. All into a box - that is now getting full.
After I get 3 or more of the same charge cords - into the charge cord box along with cords for I know not what anymore.
And don’t get me started on all those wrist straps…
All the Best,
They make great cat-toys, as I’ve found out.
I mostly throw them out, except for ones I feel I may re-sell at some point. But even with the lights I’ve ended up reselling without the boxes, it doesn’t feel to me like they would have made a difference to the buyer or not, the lights still sold quickly/easily. Personally for something like a flashlight I don’t really care about the box or not. I’d be more inclined to want a box for an appliance or some other electronics.
So you save the boxes to your microwave oven, refrigerator, washing machine, etc in case you want to sell them?
No, those are for moving and shifting if I ever need to
I tend to keep the boxes to my lights, it makes it easier to find spare o-rings and other accessories (short tubes, switch covers, etc).
Usually I just put the boxes all in another much larger box, so far I’m on my second box of boxes.
I actually worked it out when i would consider it. I will consider selling a light if:
- Not a Hanklight or very rare
- No sentimental value
- Not needed for anduril development
- Has appreciated since I bought it (or I could otherwise get more for it than I paid for it originally due to e.g. a sale)
- I either don’t use it regularly or at all
- I own something else that fills the same niche that is better (performance and UI)
So far that’s been none, but it’s possible some could eventually fit it.
Right now, we’re slowly packing stuff up to move, and I have more lights than fit in my cases, so I’m probably going to end up putting a lot back into their boxes for the move too. Probably mostly the ones that have simple boxes that protect the light (rather than fiddly fancy retail-sh packaging), e.g. Hanklight boxes.
To me those are things that can just be stacked up or go in a large plastic box from whereever, the specific box for them has no value to me.
Also, some very rare/unique lights I don’t use much, I keep in their boxes as I currently don’t have a good place like a display cabinet or dedicated shelf to keep shelf queens, so in the box is a safe place for them.
I find the “moving” reason to keep boxes rather curious… Is this just for big lights? Or do you all keep the keychain boxes too?
My “box of lights” is a smallish, cheap folding toolbox, a bit like the ones powertools come in… to stop the lights bashing each other, I’ve got lengths of pipe insulation cut to the width of the box, 18650 sized tube lights just about fit, then additional lights go between the lengths of pipe insulation. Maybe useful for someone looking to get rid of smaller boxes and still inexpensively protect lights.
I recently pitched a bunch of boxes, like 50 of them. I still have a whole lot more to figure out what I want to do with. I was originally keeping them for a few reasons. Maybe I would sell the lights that they came in one day? People like to get boxes and accessories when buying things. I tried to keep the O-rings and accessories where I could more easily locate them for a specific light. I have a large box of O-Rings, pieces and parts. But it is a major PIA to find what I need. Oh, yeah, and moving. But I gave up on that one. I will probably die in this house…
Big lights.
Keychain light already moves every time i leave the house.
Great thread this one. Shows what a bunch of obsessive-compulsives most flashaholics are. I keep all the boxes, many of them in a large plastic container. That is, I am in the box of boxes group.
I toss all of the generic white “boxes” that Convoy sends me. I say “boxes” because they’re about as protective as a piece of printer paper. They would be better off in a sleeve of bubble wrap.
The actual boxes that have some thickness to them are kept for reselling purposes. I won’t put a number on it, but if you’re buying a light from someone, and they have the original box and accessories in mint condition, the perception will likely be that he/she treats their things well. Probably helps the resale value a bit.