Folks, this became the “Flashlight Comparison Request Thread”, where you can post/request lineup of flashlights to compare them in size, shape, whatever
It started with my request (see below) to see the D4V2 vs KR4 vs FW3A vs EDC18 in their 18350s tubes.
Feel free to post your lineup or to request some comparisons now
Hi folks!
Can anyone, please, compare the following flashlights with their 18350 tubes, side by side?
After a long time considering it and looking the night before , I decided to buy a cyan d4sv2 26650. The next day I went to buy it and it’s sold out not to be restocked.
That had to be a warning……not of a bad light lol, but maybe something else is coming I’ll like more…. bit of a coincidence otherwise .
I wish to get all of them with short tubes. For now I have only D4v2. Waiting for KR4 with mule e21a. Duno where to buy short tube for EDC18. FW3C with short tube is on my wish list.
I think it’s a good idea. There have probably been several threads asking for comparisons. I recently made one photo for a friend who wanted to compare M43 to other soda can flashlights. If you are going to change this thread into a general thread, I will share this photo.
From Left to Right (FW3A TI- 18650, FW3A with 18500 Tube, FW1A with 18350 Tube and FW3A with 18350 Tube)
As you can see, the Bezel of the FW1A is much more deeper than the Bezel for the FW3A
Ahah, you know, when Hank is on the run, something will happen and soon turn the recently launched light into and out-dated one
The Cyan lights he does are surely different and stand-out for it , so maybe soon he “spits out” something alike
Thanks for the link Yokiamy
And for the pictures linked! That can surely show the comparison between the Emisars
Thanks Chatika Vas Paus!
Hum, the 18350 is already available, maybe on BG or through Neal. The member maba already showed it in and EDC18! I didn’t search for it yet, because I wanted to have this comparison to put some things in perspective
@ Chatika and @ Geuzzz
I can change the title of the thread later to make it non-specific request. What do you say?
Then people can post their comparison requests :+1:
Thank you so much DrDevil, for showing these three! I guess we’ll have to raise funds for the EDC18 and the short tube to have the full set compared
That already tells me some things, specially about the bigger size of the KR4 .
I want to decide myself for one of those lights ( although I have the D4V1 and the FW3A already).
But a side-by-side comparison helps to see how “big” it will be for pocket carry.
I don’t care much about the weight, but the size of it makes some difference !
So, thanks for the 3/4 and now we hope you get the EDC18 for the “all in” comparison