Hey guys, looking for a budget AAA/AA budget light for my 2 year old to play with. I like the Fenix CL05 but it’s is pricey at $30. The blinky red and green modes can be fun. I thought about giving my E01 to him but twisty operation is not friendly. Looking to spend $10 max. is there anything out there similar to the CL05?
-Preferably Clicky switch but twisty is not a deal breaker
-Neutral White
–8-10 lumens max
Before I was really into torches I gave my 2.5 year old son an Everready Dolphin Pico.
Single mode tail clicky, waterproof, floats, and only AU $8 from a supermarket or hardware store. Rated at 30 lumens, but I just limited the brightness by using a depleted cell. It’s pretty easy to open, but the AA cell shouldn’t be too dangerous. At 5 years old my son is still happy with it.
I’m not sure whether the brand is available outside AU and NZ, but I’m sure there are similar products everywhere.
My second son has grown up while I’ve been interested in torches, and at 20 months old he asks for one as soon as he wakes up. He’s equally happy with tail-clickys, side-clickys and twistys, although he does sometimes unscrew the twistys a bit too far.
I usually try to give my 20 month old the BLF A01 as it starts dim, it’s hard for him to change modes, and even the brightest mode isn’t too bright, although I’d like to modify a single-mode clicky like an SF-348 to be less bright.
Every kid is different, but I think at 2 years old most will figure out a twisty before too long. I would have given my second son a Dolphin Pico, but unlike my first son he opens it all the time.
Yeh, I was gonna suggest a cheapie light from the dime store. Lots of plastic-body lights, big honkin’ things of mostly air (ribs to hold 1-2 AA cells), cheap hotwire bulb that’ll glow orange then red in no time as the cells wear out, etc.
If you want better quality, I got a long time ago a Taskforce light. Takes AA cells but looks like it could take Cs, again, plastic ribs holding/centering the AAs in the body. Rubberised coating for rainproofing (not necessarily waterproofing) and shockproofing, and by using, say, a 6V bulb in a light meant for 3V, you can limit the output. And the bulb will last like 100× as long, too.
And if someone keeps unscrewing it and taking it apart (as I’ve done as a kid, all too many times), a little dab of loctite can make that more difficult. Only use the one that can be redone, not the permanent stuff.
Form factor of this light looks good. we do have Eveready lights here. I’ll keep an eye ouy. I have the A01 and the moon mode is perfect but……………it’s mine haha.
Plastic is a good idea as he’ll probably chuck it around. We do have a few dollarama stores so I can take a gander.
He already blasted himself with the Q8 so I need to be more mindful. Lucky it was only for a second. It stays out of reach from now on.
Thanks. Checked out the link. Lights mention more than once were the E01, C05 and solitaire. C05 is out of my budget. I have a E01 that is part of my Survival kit. Maybe ill just give him that. Solitaire would be good too, I used to own one but returned it because it was too dim.
My almost three year old uses a Thrunite TN4A. It was/is her nightlight on moonlight on her chest of drawers. But now she likes to play with it before bed. She prefers it brighter so it’s off with moonlight. It’s heavy, it’s bright, but it is tightly screwed together and she’s learning not to point it in her own or other peoples eyes. Right now I can see it on her baby monitor, laying near her pillow as she sleeps. I’ll pop in her room in ten minutes or so and take it off her and put it back onto moonlight. Same routine every night. She loves it. She loves all my torches.
I was going to say the rayovac I destructible. I have the 250 lumen 3xaaa one. Sometimes a 18650 will fit but won’t close properly. There’s also they Duracell zoomies. My 18 month old plays with my lights on the counter. Couple x6s Fet driven, m1 Fet driven, s70, l2, mtg2 yezl, Duracell and rayovac. She just likes to cycle the modes abd point them around. And wants to put batteries in them. Never a issue. She usually doesn’t keep one on long enough to get hot before switching to another. And doesn’t care about the brightness level really ad long as it shines around. And most of my lights start on lower modes. Only my edc starts on turbo. Clickly, e switch doesn’t matter. The only light that they can run off with out of sight is those cheap 9 led 1 Walmart lights
I gave my son a one mode SK68 type light with a short wrist lanyard. Not long enough to get over his head. I replaced the o-rings with better thicker ones including the one on the zoom function. This made it water resistant. I tightened it up real tight with pliers so he couldn’t get it loose and eat the battery.
I ran over it with the lawn mower two weeks later……………