I've been kicking around the idea lately of giving a flashlight to my customers. We're talking about 10-15 per month, so I'm not going to give away a 980L to each one. My first thought was the Black Cat OSRAM that I can get for about $7/each from DX. Makes a nice keychain light, runs on standard AAA's
But if I could get a SS C3 (AA battery) for a couple bucks more, it has a nice heft and is a better quality light, I wouldn't mind paying an extra $30 or $40 at the end of the month if it was something my customers would hang onto. Then again, the C3 isn't exactly a keychain light. THe Trustfire F23 or F22 might work as well, but those seem to get pretty expensive.
Those of you with multiple AAA or AA lilghts, which ones would you be most impressed with? I do NOT want to go to a $17 iTp or anything in that price range. Bad enough my own personal addiction is so expensive, I don't want to spend $250 for customer lights each month.
Almost forgot to mention, the light has to run on standard batteries, no rechargeables.
I thought about the tank E07, even had one ordered but they refunded my money because it was out of stock. Is the UI a bit confusing on the E07 because of the tailcap lockout?
Looks to be about the same money as a C3 Stainless, which is pretty impressive.
If nothing else, you can always go with the one mode SS C3 from Tmart. A good KISS light and Tmart ships fast. The Uniquefire AA-S1 is along the same lines (but no fast shipping). For a smaller size, I think you have a few suggestions already.
I don't want to sound cheap, but these little key chain lights really impress non flashlight people. They are super bright, they fit on any key chain and for the amount of use most people give them they last a really long time.
Can't go wrong with a Sipik SK68 for $8 and change. Print up little foil labels with your shop info and put one on each light around the smooth part of the body.
I have a Tank 07, but haven't tried it on a keychain as I fear it will turn on by itself. For under $12 you can get a SkyRay S-A1 at LightTake. Their description says Q3, but I'm pretty sure it is an R2. I'd estimate >100 lumens on high using NiMH batteries.
I would stay away from the KC-05. Really nice light, I mean REALLY nice, but the UI on those things is a nightmare even for people who like flashlights.
The Sipik SK58/68, Black Cat or Tank007 TK-703 would be my picks. Cheap, reliable, clicky switches and they all run well on standard batteries.
I ordered some of these little black keychain lights, more out of curiosity than anything else. I would prefer to give something that looks like it is a decent gift, the C3 Stainless would be ideal, but the Black Cat is a good quality light as well, it's what I have on my keychain.
I like the Black Cat. A friend at work has mine now. I brought it in to show him, thinking he would order one himself and instead he offered to buy mine on the spot. Has kind of a ringy beam though. The F23 looks pretty nice for the price (has modes and looks great). But that's a great deal on the C3; order some black tailcaps for it and it will be really sweet.
And why not this? http://www.dealextreme.com/p/uniquefire-aa-s1-3w-osram-160-lumen-led-flashlight-1-aa-1-14500-24220?r=43033281 Also has an osram led and many people are happy with it