Flashlight Intervention

I'd admit that she's right ...who doesn't like to hear that they are right.Tell her the truth ..tell her you know it and that you're just having a little fun and recognize that you need to back off a bit .But explain to her that it's just your silly hobby and it could be worse ,internet porn or gambling .tell her it's harmless and not as important as her feelings .Might as well be honest .Tell her she's more important than any dumb hobby.Stop buying lights ...you won't explode.

Oh NOSurprised, don’t even bring up the porn thing!Kiss Even if you are notInnocent, you will be a suspect if you mention it… A suspect Forever and a Day.Smile

Ya - I agree you should write "I Love You" on your daughters and wife's mail, with a smilie face to go with it. You will get a lot of miliage from that.

Get Divorced!

Unless your wife really is related to mine . . . 'cause then she's going to see right through it and see it as sarcasm. Which is OK if you're simply trying to not get notes on your mail for the short term . .

If you start collecting guns ....she will write nicer notes

I would cancel her bank card to show her where the money comes from. Then your daughter will automaticly get pulled in to line as she can not sponge coin of the mum. Then i would take all the light bulbs out around the out side of the house and make her use a flash light. that shuts them up or take up large scale RC

  • No, sometimes it is
  • a Haiku that is written
  • all about flashlights

That’s a good idea whether your wife minds flashlight addiction or not, isn’t it? :wink:

small-scale guy here, no money for large-scale models yet.. I hope to fix that problem in future though :Р

Yes, but you you where into large scale rc before flash lights, they will never bitch about you buying flash light's.

Worlds worst advice :)

Sing to your wife ...that gets them everytime...

"you are the sunshine of my life "...and do a lil dance on the chorus .. let her catch you looking at old photos of her while humming ..."You are so beautiful" ..put them out where you can see them all the time

Hire women to openly fawn all over you and tell your wife what an incredible guy you are ..

Sometimes they need reminded by members of the same sex that good men are hard to come by.

* Get a night job at a lighthouse ..

Give her two lights . One really nice ,, the other one bad pwm ,nasty tint ,ringy beam and underpowered .. let her figure it out .

send your daughter to a convent

rofl ! i think you may need to start making a flashlight suit to skydive in

. see what they think of that , maybe a flashlight every so often isnt that bad...

if not i'll send you a email brochure for Midwest Midnight Flashlight Skydive meet

Time for a P.O. box.

For sure... they don't wanna hear that either. Females do not understand the necessity for men to have toys, period!


but how pretty penny do your Ladies use for their personal stuff?

I hope some of you guys are being facetious, either that or you home life is seriously screwed up.

Not mine. I have homemade cookies. :glasses:

LOL, brownies here!


My gf also gets something from China every once in a while, so we're all happy. :)