Flashlight Photography -an artistic approach!

Nice! 8)

My favorite keychain light, DQG AA

Looking for the beamshots now! :slight_smile:

Thanks again!
No, i am not a professional photographer, i started dealing with dSLRs only a year and a half ago, still experimenting and learning :slight_smile:
I have a Nikon D7000 which is very decent but is not full frame camera. I will invest in a full frame camera like Nikon D600 at some point, i guess.

Your Canon 6D is an excellent pro FF camera and it is possible to have noticed a better bokeh (using the same lens) because of the bigger sensor.
But a real difference will be noticed using a dedicated macro lens.

Here’s my new MagLight head modified by ChicagoX, beside the also new Solarforce L2P with M3 head.


Nice work here Wayne! Love it!

Up close and personal with Waynes machining. Don’t know how it could be any better! Very clean, almost enough so to cut ya on those edges, gonna have to be careful handling this one from now on. :wink:


This is what i call a perfect match!!! :slight_smile:

Like in the photo of my giant Victorinox keychain light tied on my house keys…

Dale, i am more impressed with the clarity of the pictures than with the lights, sorry… :stuck_out_tongue:

Thought I’d get some shots of the emitters in these 2. First the XM-L U2 from the M3 head.


Now a broader shot from the Mag Stubby with XM-L T6 followed by a close-up.


How about on? This is low, notice how the Pulse Width Modulation on Lo caught my shutter. Fast PWM, that’s a 1/8000th shutter!


I’ll close out with this 27 shot sequence, to capture most of the length of the L2P M3 combination. Not as clean as I’d like it to be, but it was quick and dirty so I’ll go with it…this time.


Ditto! I love this pic. Do you have a higher resolution one you can link to? I’d love to have a highres to use as wallpaper or such. I can PM my email addy to you if you need to email it instead of hosting somewhere. :slight_smile:

Beautiful bokeh! Especially on the 1st and 2nd pics. The 1st one is my fave though.

The shots of Waynes work on the MagLight head are stacked images, from 6 to 12 each image. That last one of the L2P took a bunch, 27 shots! I’m very interested in seeing what that macro rail does to help with this kind of image.

You’ve got some extremely nice ones your own self! Those yellow jackets look down right deadly! (I’m allergic) Love how you can see the varying stages of the eggs and pupae in the cores, great shot!

By the way, both of those lights might look sleepy but either will put light on a subject over 500 yds away! :wink:

That is what you get with a full frame sensor and a nice macro lens 1:1 @ f/2.8! :slight_smile: Click on it and go into Flickr, then right click and select the original for a deep look at the XM-L U2 emitter. You can even clearly make out the wavy silicone coating over the green pcb!

Who said it?

“Love it when a plan comes together!”


I just did and i remained speechless with what a FF sensor coupled with a fine f/2.8 L macro lens can do!!!

My congratulations Sir!! :face_with_monocle:

(hmm…time to upgrade…me thinks :slight_smile:

No offense about the flashlight specs and knowledge, but i am new to this hobby as well, i started only last year…

Your comments above, about stacking, are much more interesting to me than the throw of the (beautifully shot) lights :bigsmile:

That's a good-looking pic, right there !

Wish I’d have gotten that little bit more of the Mag in the picture to show full length. Oh well.

You did a good job, the emitter sits on a thick aluminum heat sink that fits tightly into the battery tube, pretty far down. So it’s just about right for the finning to actually disperse some radial heat from the heat sink within. Again, ya just gotta love it when a plan comes together! I’ve had that light for a year now, amazing how perfectly this new head mates up to it! :slight_smile:

The process of stacking is almost mandatory when getting the ring shots at the wedding. Difficult place to do it as well, so time is of the essence. Which is why I finally spent the moolah on the macro rail. It’ll enable me to move the camera in exact increments and keep the lens at 1:1 focus for a quick set of pics.

Imagine, these were taken on the lowly horribly focusing 5DMkII! I know, it’s rough, but 21MP is 21MP, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

