What about using flashlights to make pictures… with an artistic approach?
I did some shots like these a couple years ago:
Equally impressive. Bravo!!!
Do you remember your camera settings by any chance? I would like to try!
Long exposure (30 seconds or so) in low light conditions (I was on the roof at night). Brief flashes of bright light to define shapes (such as my body), from different sources (I used my arm to move the flashlight around while staying still with the rest of the body). Long swipes of low light to light-paint.
- light kept at very near distance from a surface will make the surface grain pop out.
- PWM controlled lights won’t make a smooth effect in light-painting, current-controlled lights will
- have fun, ideas will be better
Experiment with different tints and beam shapes, moves, settings, patterns, actions… possibilities are really endless.
Then, tune colors and contrast with camera raw or what you prefer using.
Thanks for the detailed tips, really appreciated!
I will try to ‘light paint’ BLF, for starters
My L2N + B6 SS bezel
LED Lenser P7 on my car roof
The second pic is truly extraordinary!!
I looked through my computer but it seems like I have balanced colors etc. and resized it without keeping the original
Anyway, not that good background in it, just a snapshot aside of the oven.
That key has actually been in use in the beginning of the last decade, not just a decoration.
If I visit home with camera, I´ll try to get a better pic of it
Since this thread have gone from artistic, to nice quality product shots and stuff, ill contribute with some nature outdoor shots from yesterday.
Packed lightweight, so no DSLR. Canon S95 does a good job for its size.
The sun went down behind my Solarforce and it had to light up the way when I went down the icy mountain.
This is my 100. post. I want to thank everyone who contributes to BLF! Great community!
Thanks for sharing, Racer, these be beautiful shots!!
Your camera may not be a dSLR but, as i have said above, is among the best of compacts, if not the best along with Panasonic LX3/5.
Hey, congratulations for your 100th post! Glad it happened in this photo thread!! :bigsmile:
Taken a few years back at a London meeting of torch/flashlight geeks……….
Looks like someone didn’t get the memo about CW. lol
Nice pics.
Cool pictures by Essexman!
Thanks for sharing, Racer, these be beautiful shots!!
Your camera may not be a dSLR but, as i have said above, is among the best of compacts, if not the best along with Panasonic LX3/5.
And yeah. We can say I know my cameras and what is out there.
Below is the picture straight out of the camera (resized and a minimum amount of sharpening). Just played around with some PS filter presets on the previous one. Tried to highlight the light and drops on it with a bit “oldschool” feeling so that it would look more “artistic”.
Nice shot, but please let the moon stay in phase…everything get’s all messed up when you guys play with the moons phase using those killer lights!
The first one is the XM-L2, a 5000K emitter that is supposed to be driven at 3A with 2 modes. My DMM only reads .79 at the tail, don’t know what’s up with that. Anyway, y’all let me know what you think about the way this one’s put together please. Both of these are from the same dude over at CPF, before I found this forum. I’m hoping to get a better P60 from BLF. This is at 1:1 on the 100mm f/2.8L IS mounted on my new RRS macro focusing rail…28 shots from the dust specs on top of the dome to the bubbles in the thermal paste under the pcb!!!
This one is the Nichia 219, 6 shots also on the rail.
And here’s the rail itself, gonna really enjoy having this…have no idea why I waited so long! Handheld at 1/25th, 6400 ISO f/3.5
Cool shots (or cold?) that little S95 is impressive, I’ve had my eye on that series for a while but haven’t been able to justify it. Just spent more on this rail, lol!
Essex, that’s pretty neat with everyone doing a letter and using the different colors, nice contribution!
Dale, wonder what it’d take to get a shot directly into high beam? I know how but it’s quite a challenge! lol Bet you’re having fun with that monster, huh?
Xiotis, take a walk around in that XM-L2 pic, let me know what you think (100% of course! ) I’m not please with the work in making that drop-in, and not impressed with it’s output either…it should be pretty awesome but is no better (maybe even a bit worse) than the XM-L U2 in the Solarforce pill that came with the M3…and they are underdriven for sure!
I simply cannot believe the clarity at 100% (!!) of your macro 1:1 (!!) XM L2 led. It is truly fantastic!!
Stacking photos worth the time and your quality macro slider worths the investment.
Imagine if in the place of the led was a little bug or another classic subject of macro photography!!!
A kind request: Which program do you use for stacking, how you shot the led, vertically or horizontally, and please post a shot of a camera on the slider. (My slider is quite different)
Sir, accept my humble respects, you are a master of macro photography, hands down