Flashlight storage

I was wondering how you guys store your lights when they’re not in use? I currently keep mine in a small safe on the night stand along with my Glock. I don’t necessarily put them in the safe to keep them from getting stolen (even though that is a perk) but merely out of convience. Although it also keeps them out of reach of my children as well. I’ve been thinking about getting a hard case with modular foam but not sure if the foam would hurt the finish any. I’ve been told not to store firearms in contact with foam for long periods but I don’t know how true this is. Thanks for your input and suggestions. I’ve never seen this issue brought up before.

I store all of my non EDC knives, lights, and MTs in several 1600 series Pelican boxes. The gear goes in vertically. I throw in some desiccant. I’ve never had the foam damage the finish on anything.

Unless you have a ridiculous amount of lights and/or other gear, the size of the 1600 is probably too big, but you can obviously scale down. Just make sure the box is deep enough to handle the gear. If you are not a collector/hoarder, you can gar a flatter box and lay the gear in horizontally.

Also, there are lots of cheaper Pelican clones out there if you want to accomplish the same thing on a budget.

Or, buy a curio cabinet and display your collection in the living room… your wife will likely really enjoy that.

I just throw my lights into several old shoe boxes. For me they’re just tools. But I do throw them in gently :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve had my pistols, rifles, and shotguns in foam cases and pistol bags for many years and have not seen any damage to the finishes.

Just make sure there is no LEATHER involved with guns storage. Tannic acid in leather will eat/pit your guns for sure.

Leather will also cause high carbon steel, such as A2, to rust too.

Dunno about foam specifically, but it might have plasticisers that can seep out and make contact with the metal, possibly staining it or rusting it or who knows what.

The bag I keep all my lights in, I have emitters in one small box and drivers in another small box. Those got “soaked” in appearance like a brown paper bag filled with frenchfries. Also, the “Banker’s Box” cardboard box it’s on, also got that “greasy” appearance on the lid where the bag is resting.

Wouldn’t surprise me if additives in foam could also leach out.

I’m thinking the hard pelican-like, cheaper plastic case is the way to go. I want the modular foam you can pull out to make custom, tight fitting spots for each light . I’m just not sure which one I’m gonna go with.

I have one from MCMElectronics that works great and is almost Pelican quality, but plenty strong enough to store items, toss in the truck, etc…

Check these out:

Thats exactly what I’m looking for, and a lot cheaper then pelican. That 16” looks perfect. Hopefully the foam is double stack.

I have them laying all around the place. I have a Convoy L6 in the drawer under the telephone, a PD35 Fenix and a Zebralight 603 right over the headboard of my bed right infront of the P226, 2 Nitecore MH20GTs stuffed into the sidepockets of my car. A Thorfire S6, Nitecore headlamp (the 30) and and Klarus 20 in the side pockets of my truck. Every vehicle I have has several other different headlamps stuff in there as well. Like the little Princeton tecs or Petzl headlamps.

Not quite a Pelican, but a more budget-friendly alternative:


…via this discussion:

(Pic stolen from a WalMart review)

I have all of my lights out on a shelf in the living room…

I have several scattered. Nightstand, garage, junk drawer, gun safe, car, etc.

The ones not being actively used usually end up in a wooden dovetail box that I got from gander mountain a few years back.
It has rope handles and is easy to move around

And then a shoe box or two with my maglights and defiants.

And a handful that are still in the original packaging that hang out on a closet shelf. Just because I want to keep them mint.

Kinda like Hummels? :smiley: