flashlight / torch

If it means no more disco modes, I’ll break down and call them “torch”… :zipper_mouth_face:

Nuh-UH!! It’s “Potato”!!!


For that, may Baud Bless You, and all the little children who call you “Father”!!!

No diesel. I believe we only get the 4.0L gasoline. Maybe different for the Lexus variant.

<a href=Photo Storage target=_blank><img src=http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x48/gords1001/IMAG0295-1.jpg border=0 alt=>

Challenge accepted….

We get some good Brit stuff...

Torch of course.
I only use “flashlight” to accomodate the seppos.

Also the Brits have some things wrong:
“lorry” and “sweets” are two examples.

Shame on you! :stuck_out_tongue:

Nuu, really, that’s the beauty of accents. There is no right or wrong - both terms are correct, flashlight and torch. I tend to use “torch”, rather, and pronounce both of them in Cockney, though. (Oh, blimey! Me Notts friends will probably ignore me from this day on! They don’ loik a glottal sto’, no’at awl)

In Canada it’s a flashlight. Z is zed, not zee. Our vernacular is part US, and part Brit.
I think our adoption of a lot of the American terminology is because a lot of Brit-speak just sounds so damn silly.

I’d rather be called a ‘torchaholic’ in public any day than a ‘flashaholic.’

Flashaholic sounds like some guy who can’t control himself with the whizzer-zipper. :open_mouth:

In some parts of this country tho’ being called a flasher is a term of endearment. :open_mouth:

It's potatoe according to Al Gore ...

if the question about if we get the nissan patrol was directed to US, no we dont… but ive seen some bad @$$ videos of those… anything good, we dont get. there have actually been some fords i have seen from over seas that i wish we got… hate to say it, ford, but its true… F…ing Owners Really Dumb
(i have owned a few ford products out of the about 20 cars in my 13 years or so owning cars… so i only kid. im racist against most all american vehicles if it makes anyone feel better)

ps: (and honda… some acuras are safe, and certain preludes… and NSX of course…) i hate honda

All the criminals went to NZ, but some have since jumped the ditch.

Australia was mostly settled by free immigrants :wink:

I am ok with flashlight or torchlight. I think torchlight sounds more descriptive than just torch.

Which is more popular on packagings? flashlight, torch, or torchlight?
Would the word on the packaging for the same product be changed for the specific country it would be sold in?

I always use torch apart from on forums.

On here I usually just type “light” and occasianly flashlight or torch.

Very pleased to see it hasn’t become so bastardised that you replaced the ‘s’ with ‘zees’ :wink:


I had the " E " on it too ...for a minute .. and thought better of it ...So me and Al Gor

** edit** .... Dan Quayl

have that in common


I couldn't eat him .. we just stared at each other for hours .

that's a picture when he was young

Now he's old and wrinkled

Dan Quayle .

Yep .

Two words our american cousins should definitely NOT use in the UK!!

Fanny, spunk :bigsmile:

actually, i think metric came first :bigsmile:

but, i wont deny that the metric system is way better than imperial