I’m looking for a new flashlight under $50. I currently have a 4D led maglight. Can anything better be found at this point. How are those hid lights I see out there for like 75?
Check out this thread:
…and see if you get any ideas.
Oh boy, you’re in for a treat. There are many great options that will outperform your maglite for well under $50.
Tell us what you’re looking for.
- Are you looking for something that can be used as a club (like the maglite) or would something more compact be better?
- Do you want something that will throw light far downrange, or more for close-up purposes?
- Do you like a lot of fancy modes and features, or is simpler better?
- Big question: Do you want to stay with alkaline batteries or are you willing to invest in quality rechargeables? (still could be under $50)
There are a few related threads from very recently
Thanks I’ll check it.
Size doesn’t matter
Mostly to throw light downrange.
What kind of features are available in this price range?
It depends on the battery life. If it’s only a few hours I’d get some rechargables. Otherwise I’ll stick with alkaline.
Lithium Ion’s have a MUCH higher energy density than alkalines, so you can have a much brighter light in a much smaller package (and not have to buy new batteries all the time). I will say though, very few lights will have longer battery life than a 4D Mag LED. So if run time is a huge deal for you….
Here is one suggestion from Mtnelectronics.com This light can run on 1 battery or two, so if you have more money later you could get an extra battery and have even longer runtimes.
Note the Supfure L3 won't take 2 protected cells.
Ahh thanks for pointing that out
Whats a protected cell? One that can’t over charge?
A peotected cell has a protection circuit hidden under the battery wrapper that stops overcharging, over discharging, and short circuits. It’s recommended for newbies (as liions can be dangerous if mistreated) but it does add size to the battery and won’t fit in everything.
If I had just one flashlight (heavens forbid!) the Convoy C8 would be the one I’d choose. It’s a thrower (distance) with good spill (surrounding light around the the beam). Over a dozen types to choose from which vary in light color, intensity, and how well the beam is concentrated (smooth or OP reflector). Hard to beat as a general-purpose do-it-all flashlight.
As a newbie I saw where many here had mentioned that everybody needed a C8, so based on that alone I bought one and now I understand why they all said that. Light, cells, and charger all for under $50 or you can get better cells and charger which will run you more based on your choices. If you go with any Li-on light, use only cells and chargers recommended on this site; cheap cells and chargers can be dangerous.
Warning: Once you’ve gone to Li-on LED lights you’ll never go back to anything else and if you’re like us, that one will lead to many more This is an addicting hobby!
If I had to choose just 1, I’d pick the BLF A6. It’s easily the best light I have for the size. Throws decently, bright as heck, and at $25 quite affordable. And more pocketable than a C8 for me.
But the C8 will throw more light downrange, for sure.
What is I bumped the budget to 75? Open up more choices
Love my BLF A6 too, but I believe the GB is closed and it’s no longer available- if I’m wrong somebody speak up so I can get another one!
You could go for the Maxtoch GB right here GB Interest ///OFFICIALLY CLOSED 11/8 @ 9pm CST/Maxtoch M24 Sniper with XP-L HI /// 250K lux @ 4.3 Amps!!!

Love my BLF A6 too, but I believe the GB is closed and it’s no longer available- if I’m wrong somebody speak up so I can get another one!
It’s still available and the discount codes for the anodized and bare version are still working, BUT they are back-ordered and expected to arrive on 26 October.
At first, it was back-ordered to 20 October, so who knows if Manker will delay the shipment date again to BG?
The BLF A6 is great, but not exactly what I’d recommend for the OP’s needs
A $75 thrower?
Olight M2X-UT Javelot can be had for less during sale or with discount code from China’s online delaers like Banggood, Gearbest, etc