Flashlights that work after being shot




You already covered a different HDS, but here’s one with a “bead-blasted” finish. :slight_smile:

…and by bead-blasted, I mean a shotgun.

They’re lucky they are only facing attempted murder charges, or it would be the noose for them.

thanks for the pic :slight_smile:
Looks like somebody did that on purpose too
HDS are the only lights Ive heard of, that people choose to shoot on purpose

The maglight was in a firefight with an AK47 and saved the Deputys life
The Cyclone was the victim of an Accidental Discharge from a 9mm

All the lights in this thread kept working after being hit.

Not so sure about murder, at least not all cases. The defense could have argued for Involuntary Lightslaughter.

Honestly in a lot of cases attempted murder is worse then murder. In my area at least and on the TV crime shows it seems like people who complete the murder get less time then the people charged with attempted murder. There was a case when I was a teenager in my area 3 guys were doing robberies. 2 thought the one was going to talk to the cops for a deal. They walk out into the woods together and the 2 shot the third in the head and left him there. One got out after 8 years the other was released after 10 years. For 1st degree murder. And I’ve seen cases here with attempted murder get life without parole. The prisons here are more then severely overcrowded. To the point they just let 2000 people out on parole because of it. And in my county up until a couple years back they had one parole officer and one probation officer. Now they have 4 probation officers to handle the load. Marijuana they won’t even take you to jail anymore. You get a ticket the cop takes it and you drive away. The system was to full of probation because of marijuana. If they sentence you to 10 years you’ll only do 2 to 4. You automatically get 30 for 30 and sometimes 3 days per 1 depending on the judge. And all your time is consectutive not concurrent. 3 felons is the same sentence as 1.
Having a war on drugs is always going to be a failure. And non violent drug offenders don’t need to be in prison anyway. Your sending someone to a place they may die because of a bag of weed. Or a few pills it’s ridiculous. Yet dui is a slap on the wrist.

But back to the subject it’s nice that some lights can stop a bullet. I figured your larger lights could for sure.

There is no one to charge with attempted murder. The guy that shot the cop is dead. Watch the video.

Sometimes having a light or other device on you can be a lifesaver.

I recall seeing a news story a couple years ago where a guy at a gas station was robbed. The robber took one shot at him before running.

When the police arrived they asked the victim if he was suffering any pain. He told the officer he had some pain in his chest. When they checked for wounds, the victim pulled out his iphone from his front left shirt pocket … right over his heart … and it had a 0.22 round embedded in it!